It's All a part of the big plan

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"Tom, at this point, you're simply enjoying watching me suffer," Leo whined from her seat. "I can't believe you managed to get Tayden to join in on it too."

Leo was in fact tied to the chair of a beauty salon called "Gillyweed's Glamour and Grooming.".

Leo should have known that something was very wrong when Tayden had asked Tom and her to accompany him and another girl to Hogsmeade. Leo thought of it as any other normal double date. Except, Tom had agreed to the idea quite eagerly which was very out of character for the heir of Slytherin.

"But that's a beauty salon, Tom," Leo had pointed out as soon as Tayden had led them to the place.

"Is it now?" Tom had questioned back, acting innocent and unaware of the blazing pink billboard that had 'BEAUTY SALON' written in bold.

The moment that they had entered the place, a perky witch with bubblegum pink hair approached them, "Welcome to Gillyweed's Glamour and Grooming, my dear! What can we do for you today?"

At that moment, Leo knew that she had agreed to something very dangerous. It was not a double date at all! Before she could make an escape, she was dragged to a chair by Tom and Taden helped to tie her up. At least he was polite enough to ask if the knots were too tight. The witch with bubblegum pink hair only watched with a painfully forced smile as if that was not the worst she had seen.

So much for trusting the heir of Slytherin.

She was glaring at the two boys through the mirror. If only she knew what was to come, she would have chosen a dress that didn't have a collar.

Sighing in defeat, Leo calmly waited on her chair (because she had no other option) and watched Tayden as he disappeared behind a door that lead to who knows where.

Leo's eyes started inspecting the interior having nothing else to do. The walls of the salon were painted a deep shade of purple, and large mirrors with ornate frames lined every wall, making the space seem larger than it was. A display case with various beauty products and enchanted accessories such as hair clips, earrings, and bracelets was placed at the reception.

Leo wondered if all those magical items were going to be applied to her. Her brows furrowed in displeasure just thinking about how painful it was going to be.

The main floor had several stations with chairs where witches and wizards could sit while getting their hair styled, nails painted, or makeup done. Each station was equipped with an array of tools, including wands that magically straightened or curled hair, bottles of shimmering hair spray, and jars of colourful potions for facials.

Leo was seated in one of those stations. She could see her reflection in the mirror. Her skin looked brighter. But she knew it was because of the 100 luminous ords that were shining down on her face. Despite that, she looked tired. She looked mature. Her eyes were sunken and her cheeks were hollowed. She had aged so much within the last few months and now she would be turning 18 soon, the age that she travelled to Tom's world.

She dreaded that it might be the time when she will be sent back again. She would lose Tom forever. 

Leo's eyes looked at Tom through the mirror with a sense of immense sadness.

Tom had made himself comfortable in the small seating area which was tucked away in another corner of the salon. Leo could still see him through the mirrors and couldn't help but feel reassured that she was not left alone. 

The seating area had plush velvet sofas and armchairs in shades of pink and purple, and a table with a vase of fresh flowers, perfect for Tom to relax.

Tom was reading a beauty magazine with furrowed eyebrows. Therefore, he was yet to notice the looks of longing he was getting from Leo.

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