Dangerously Adorable.

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For the first time in a while, Leo felt that she belonged somewhere. The pressing feeling of being watched was pushed to the back of her mind. She felt protected. Even though her whole body was shivering and her toes felt like they were completely frozen, she felt warm inside.

It was all because of one person only.

Tom Riddle.

She knew that Tom would eventually come looking and find her in the middle of the forest. She was not quite sure when she had started to trust the sneaky little snake so much. But when she was lying in the middle of the dark forest, a part of her knew that that was not how she was going to die. Tom would eventually find her.

And he did.

Although, the warm and fuzzy feeling lasted for only a while. During the time they walked across different halls of the dimly lit school, Leo didn't leave Tom's sleeve. She held onto it as if her life depended on it. Luckily, the boy didn't mind either.

As soon as they entered the Room of Requirements, Leo had the pressing urge to just turn around and flee. Back in the forest, Tom had promised her to give some sugar cookies that he saved earlier. She had only agreed to follow him for the cookies!

She definitely did not expect to meet with several eyes glaring at her altogether.

All of Tom's followers were seated around a rectangular table and were probably talking among themselves. As soon as Leo and Tom entered the room, they completely went silent. Leo couldn't help but wonder if their topic of discussion was about her.

For whatever reason Tom thought that it would be a good idea to bring her there, he surely hadn't planned ahead. The tension in the air was almost suffocating. Not even Tom was trying to announce her presence or at least introduce her to everyone. Therefore, Leo took the initiative to just sprint out of there.

She raised her pointer finger, which was slightly shivering, in the air, "Oh, forgive me. This must be the wrong room."

Okay, time to dash.

Alas, ever since she had met Tom, not even one of her escape plans had been successful. Tom already had the collar of her dress in his tight grip. He nearly lifted Leo off the ground and placed her back to where she was standing. His huge hands found themselves on her shoulder and in no time, she was being pushed inside the room.

Tom pulled a chair for her, which was on the left side of the table and right next to Tom's huge chair. Tom pushed her down with the littlest force and she was already sitting down with her arms around herself.

Tom eventually started their little meeting and Leo had never felt so out of place. She was clearly not welcomed by most of Tom's followers. She didn't blame them though. Even she wouldn't invite herself into a group full of evil children with plans to rule the world.

Leo couldn't even concentrate on what they were talking about. She was focused on the fireplace that was right behind her, all thanks to Tom. The only thing on her mind was to not die from hypothermia.

"We have located the item you were looking for, Riddle," Malfoy informed.

Leo glanced at Tom, suddenly interested in the topic of discussion. Tom didn't give away much of his thoughts through his stoic expression. He merely nodded his head once to acknowledge Malfoy.

"We had to take special permission to go out to Borgin and Burkes to fetch the locket," Malfoy continued, "but unfortunately, someone beat us to it."

Leo's eyes widened dramatically. She had to pinch herself to bite back a reaction. Her gaze flicked between Tom and Malfoy like she was watching a tennis match.

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