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Things had been awkward.

Well, awkward was not the perfect word to describe Leo's situation but her head was already full of things that needed more attention than increasing her vocabulary with fancy words.

So, here are some other words that are close enough (which you must read in lady Gaga's voice) : odd, peculiar, maddening, never been done before, not surprising but certainly disappointing, perhaps the worst till now.

Unlike other people, Leo never took out the time of her life to think about what it would be like to meet her soulmate.

No, she was not claiming that she was 'not like other girls'. Leo was telling the truth.

Her reason? Why, it was a simple one and she was sure that many people would agree to that as well.

Two words: Fictional characters.

Yes, from books to anime and everything in between, there were way too many characters to daydream about. In cases like that, one would often forget about the possibility of having a soulmate.

Leo had been the same until one of her favourite if not the ultimate fictional man had become a reality. The character that she had spent her childhood with had come to life and was now her soulmate.

How wonderful! That must be the perfect 'Y/N moment' everyone dreams about.

Only, when dreams become reality, they turn into nightmares.

Tom and Leo had gone through arguments, friendship, deaths and now love. Tom Riddle was not a character from a book any longer. He was an important part of Leo's life and the thought of losing him made Leo feel restless.

Now, speaking on the 'awkward' part- Tom was ignoring Leo and Leo was trying her best to ignore Tom.

After the amazing revelation in divination class (hey, that rhymed), the duo had come to a silent agreement of avoiding each other. Maybe, in their young minds, they thought that if they tried their best to appear hostile to each other, maybe they could trick the fates and the threads of destiny into thinking that they absolutely despised each other.

So, when the fates would start their daily checking patrol, they would see Tom and Leo giving each other disgusted looks and go:

'hmmm...maybe they are not meant for each other after all. Let's give them a happy ending!'

-and then Leo and Tom can hop on a dragon and ride into the sunset. Problem solved.

Leo sighed miserably. Her thoughts were running wild with possibilities of a tragic end like the classic pessimist she was.

She must have been the only person in the world who felt absolutely devastated after finding out her soulmate was Tom Riddle, the handsome dark lord.

The great hall was filled with its usual vibrant atmosphere. Way too vibrant for Leo's sour mood. Laughter and chatter echoed throughout the hall as students and teachers gathered together, their faces illuminated with joyful expressions.

Leo was constantly stabbing pieces of green peas with her fork. Her expression was more sour than the lemon that a student was squeezing on his turkey leg.

She could feel eyes on her but chose to ignore them and stab the peas instead. When all three tines of her fork were filled with peas, she shoved them inside her mouth a bit too aggressively. The metal clanged against her teeth making the students who were staring at her look away quickly.

With a mouth full of peas, she stood up from her place. Her eyes swept over the entire great hall. With her cheeks puffed up, she looked like a depressed chipmunk.

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