Something About You Makes Me a Dangerous Man

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"He kisses you to keep you anchored," Chen said more to himself, "I wonder what will happen if I do the same."


"Are you okay?" Tom asked her under his breath.

Tom stood up and took Leo's hand in his with care.

"I will see you in detention then, sir. Excuse us," Tom nodded and led Leo out of the room.
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Unfazed by the utterly perplexed face of Professor Slughorn, Tom shrugged off the moment. Hogwarts may have just witnessed a historic first—him, a student, willingly signing up for detention.

 If Hogwarts had a record for such things, he would undoubtedly hold the title of being the last person expected to land in detention.

The boy firmly clasped Leo's hand and hoisted her up. Despite sensing her resistance, he stubbornly dragged her out of the classroom, leaving everyone perplexed and a few slightly envious.

Tom couldn't help but notice Leo's trembling hand within his grasp. Stealing a quick glance at her, he observed her pale face, etched solely with an unmistakable expression of fear.

Tom felt a sense of impending doom. Everything seemed to be going too perfectly, setting off alarm bells in his head.

With Leo struggling to keep up, Tom stormed down the hallway. His steps were uneven and shaky. His chest tightened, as if a heavy weight was crushing his lungs, and his heart pounded wildly as if it wanted to burst out of his chest. His fists clenched tightly, his knuckles turning white, and his jaw locked in a determined line. He was a mix of anger, fear, and tension all at once, ready to explode.

As the pair made their way through the bustling hallways, the onlookers couldn't help but express their confusion. It was an unusual sight—Tom, usually composed and focused, tugging a girl along during regular school hours. Leo could sense the whispers beginning to circulate, as the rumours about them started to take shape.

Tom Riddle is enchanted by a clever Ravenclaw. They say she's got him wrapped around her finger, casting a spell on his heart.

Did you see Tom and that Ravenclaw? Rumour has it they're up to something dark and mysterious together.

Word is spreading that Tom's under the spell of a Ravenclaw beauty. Some say she's using him for her own twisted motives.

Leo sighed as the tiredness started taking over her body.

 Tom caught a faint, feeble call of his name from Leo. It stopped him in his tracks, prompting him to swiftly turn around and confront her.

His gaze fixated solely on Leo, causing everyone else to blur in the background. At that very moment, Tom's attention was solely devoted to her. He observed her eyes welling up with tears, glistening with unshed emotion. Her lips, swollen and pink, bore witness to silent sobs. A stark contrast emerged between her reddened nose and pale cheeks.

But instead of seeing fear in those beautiful brown eyes of hers, Tom saw worry. He knew that he was being too rough, too impatient. But he knew that one wrong step, one misjudgement and he could lose Leo forever.

"I am sorry," Tom whispered in a shaky voice. 

The sheer intensity of the emotions flooding Tom's being at the mere thought of losing Leo was foreign to him. They surged through him uncontrollably, making it difficult to contain. He felt an intense urge to eliminate any potential danger, to remove all living beings around him and Leo, just to ensure her safety.

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