High Inquisitor

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Gracie's POV

So the first week has been eventful to say the least. I've recruited more members to the Werewolf Welfare Organization. We had our first meeting of the year in the astronomy tower. Lessons are going well aside from Defense Against the Dark Arts. Where we're not learning any magic, it's ridiculous. I don't like Umbridge, especially with what she's been doing to Harry during his detentions with her. Winter's pups have started to steal her things and hide them. I don't stop them as she doesn't know its them yet. Whenever they see her they silently growl at her. The only reason I know, is I know them so well. Others would think its their stomach growling. But I know better and reprimand them when they do it to loud.

Anyway Care of Magical Creatures has been interesting with Professor Grubbly-Plank teaching. Our first lesson we were introduced to Bowtruckles. We were given one to look after during class and would be studying them for a couple of weeks. Apparently she started with unicorns for the fifth years. Which I'm a little jealous by. But I managed to convince her to let me help her after hours with her game keeper duties. At least the ones involving magical creatures, Professor Sprout is helping with the gardens.

Also the twins have been using first years as test subjects for their snack boxes. Only after testing it on themselves first of course. Also they are paying the first years and anyone else volunteering their services for testing the sweets.

Micheal and I haven't seen each other much with school and all. But he did come watch the keeper tryouts with me. Disguised as a Gryffindor. Harry was serving detention at the time. Ron became Gryffindor's new keeper. He was good, but would have to work on his confidence. After tryouts Micheal and I went to the library to study together.

"There's a rumor going around of a new educational decree being made" he tells me.

"Really, is that strange?" I ask him curious.

"The last one that was made, lead to Umbridge becoming our defense teacher" he reminds me. "Before then the last decree made was over a decade ago" he states.

"Sounds like the ministry is trying to get more power over the school" I grumble.

"Which means things are going to change around here" he states. "Who knows how many decrees they'll make" he adds.

"I'll have to be more careful with my group then" I state.

"You mean the werewolf welfare organization?" he asks.

"Yes, she made the Anti-werewolf legislation. She hates them and all half-breeds. If she discovers my group, she may try to disband it or worse" I state.

"Don't worry, she won't find out" he assures me.

"Any idea want this new decree might be?" I ask him.

"No, but no doubt it'll give Umbridge more power" he states. I nod my head in agreement. We get back to studying. Ignoring the world around us.

(Time skip)

It's Sunday morning and I'm reading the Daily Prophet with Hermione. Ron had got a letter from his brother Percy last night. Telling him to read this mornings issue as well as stay away from Harry and I. We gasp at the front page head line:




"High inquisitor? What does that mean?" Harry asks us.

"In a surprise move last night the Ministry of Magic passed new legislation giving itself an unprecedented level of control at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. The Minister has been growing uneasy about goings-on at Hogwarts for some time said Junior Assistant to the Minister, Percy Weasley. He is now responding to concerns, voiced by anxious parents, who feel the school may be moving in a direction they do not approve of.

This is not the first time in recent weeks that the Minister, Cornelius Fudge, has used new laws to effect improvements at the wizarding school. As recently as 30th August, Educational Decree Number Twenty-two was passed, to ensure that, in the event of the current Headmaster being unable to provide a candidate for a teaching post, the Ministry should select an appropriate person. That's how Dolores Umbridge came to be appointed to the teaching staff at Hogwarts Percy said last night. Dumbledore couldn't find anyone so the Minister put in Umbridge, and of course, she's been an immediate success" Hermione reads out loud.

"She's been what?" Harry and I exclaim.

"Wait, there's more" she tells us and continues to read the article. "An immediate success, totally revolutionising the teaching of Defence Against the Dark Arts and providing the Minister with on-the-ground feedback about what's really happening at Hogwarts. It is this last function that the Ministry has now formalised with the passing of Educational Decree Number Twenty-three, which creates the new position of Hogwarts High Inquisitor. This is an exciting new phase in the Minister's plan to get to grips with what some are calling the falling standards at Hogwarts. The Inquisitor will have powers to inspect her fellow educators and make sure that they are coming up to scratch. Professor Umbridge has been offered this position in addition to her own teaching post and we are delighted to say that she has accepted Percy explains.

The Ministry's new moves have received enthusiastic support from parents of students at Hogwarts. I feel much easier in my mind now that I know Dumbledore is being subjected to fair and objective evaluation Lucius Malfoy stated last night. Many of us with our children's best interests at heart have been concerned about some of Dumbledore's eccentric decisions in the last few years and are glad to know that the Ministry is keeping an eye on the situation.

Among those eccentric decisions are undoubtedly the controversial staff appointments previously described in this newspaper, which have included the employment of werewolf Remus Lupin, half-giant Rubeus Hagrid and delusional ex-Auror, "Mad-Eye" Moody.

'Rumours abound, of course, that Albus Dumbledore, once Supreme Mugwump of the International Confederation of Wizards and Chief Warlock of the Wizengamot, is no longer up to the task of managing the prestigious school of Hogwarts. I think the appointment of the Inquisitor is a first step towards ensuring that Hogwarts has a headmaster in whom we can all repose our confidence a ministry employee stated last night.

Wizengamot elders Griselda Marchbanks and Tiberius Ogden have resigned in protest at the introduction of the post of Inquisitor to Hogwarts. Hogwarts is a school, not an outpost of Cornelius Fudge's office Marchbanks stated last night. This is a further, disgusting attempt to discredit Albus Dumbledore he added" Hermione finished reading the article.

"So Micheal was right" I state and they all look at me. "He told me a couple days ago about the educational decree that made Umbridge our professor. Told me there was rumors of a new one being made. We both theorized it'd give Umbridge more power" I tell them.

"But what does her being high inquisitor mean?" Ron asks.

"It means she can evaluate other professors and suck them if the ministry doesn't approve of their teaching methods" Hermione states. Suddenly a grin was unfurling on Ron's face.

"What?" Harry asks him confused.

"Oh, I can't wait to see McGonagall inspected. Umbridge won't know what's hit her" Ron tells us. I smile, that would be entertaining. We quickly finished breakfast and went to our respective classes. Them History and me Potions. Umbridge was there to inspect Snape, oh this will be great. I share a look with Micheal and Ginny, as we all try to not to draw attention to ourselves as class began.


Picture above of Educational Decree Number 23 and picture on the external link of Professor Wilhelmina Grubbly-Plank.

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