Sneaking Into Hogsmeade

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Grace's POV

"You sure about this?" I ask Micheal smiling.

"Yes, you need to have some fun to forget the quidditch. You also said you had some Christmas Shopping to do still. What better thing to cheer you up then sneaking into Hogsmeade? Where you can finish shopping" he says smiling.

"But we have to be quick, I don't want Harry to realize I'm gone" I tell him.

"Don't worry, we will be" he assures me.

"Ok, how do we get past the dementors?" I ask him.

"Do you trust me?" he asks.

"Always" I tell him.

"Then take my hand and keep quite" he says holding his gloved hand out. I take it with my own gloved hand and we run through the school. We arrived at one-eyed witch statue. "Watch this" he tells me drawing his wand. He taps the hump saying "Dissendium". The hump opens to reveal a slide. "Ladies first" he says smiling holding a hand out.

He helps me get onto the rim of her hump before I go down the small slide. He soon joins me and the hump shuts behind us. "Lumos" we say together lighting out wands.

"Follow the tunnel?" I ask him and he nods his head. I start to follow it with him not far behind me. "How did you know about this place?" I ask him.

"My mother, was friends with this group of pranksters who always snuck out of school. They showed her hidden passages ways out of the school. This is the safest one Filch doesn't know about" he explains.

"And she just told you about these tunnels?" I ask him not convinced.

"I read her dairy" he says sheepishly. I roll my eyes and continue down the tunnel. Ten minutes later we reach a spiral stone staircase. "Go up it, but becarful. There's a trap door at the top" he tells me. I nod my head and go up keeping an eye out for the trap door.

We soon reach it and pick out to see the ghost was clear. Then get out of the tunnel putting the door back in place. Once in place it was practically invisible, unless you know it was there. We enter the shop quietly and I see we're in Honeydukes.

"I need to buy some sweets for Ginny and Ron" I tell him and he nods his head. I buy chocolate frogs for Ron and sugar-quills for Ginny. As we go to leave we duck our heads to avoid Hermione and Ron from recognizing us.

"What are they doing here?" Micheal asks me.

"It must be the final Hogsmeade visit before Christmas break" I tell him.

"Damn, I knew I should of looked at the notice board" he grumbles.

"It's fine, we just have to becarful. Keep our hoods up and act natural. Otherwise we'll draw attention to ourselves" I tell him. He nods his head and we put our hoods up. He puts his arm through mine and I give him a raised eyebrow.

"You said act natural. A boy and girl exploring Hogsmeade alone, are usually on a date" he tells me. I blush and nod my head. We head to Zonko's next where I got some joke products for the twins. We then went to the post office where I sent somethings to my family for Christmas.

Afterwards we went to a book store. Where I got a book on the latest brooms for Harry and a book on famous alchemists for Hermione. We got hungry and go to the three broomsticks. Once there we order spaghetti and a butterbeer each. Which Micheal paid for before I could.

"You've paid for everything else, allow me to treat you for a change" he tells him smiling.

"Fine, on one condition" I tell him.

"Of course" he says smiling.

"I want to go to the Shrieking Shack before we return to the castle" I state.

"See the most haunted house in Britain, why not?" he says smirking. Madame Rosmerta appeared with our food and drinks. Along with a chocolate sundae.

"We didn't pay for that" we tell her confused.

"On the house dears, you make such a cute couple" she tells us. We blush as she leaves. We ate the spaghetti, which is on one big plate. We ended up with the strand and accidentally peck each others lips.

"Sorry" we both says and then laugh quietly. We finish the spaghetti with no more pecks. Then have the sundae while drinking our butterbeers. As we go to leave Professors McGonagall and Flitwick, appear with Hagrid and the Minster of magic. We act natural as we walk past them.

Once outside we let out a sigh of relief and smile at each other giggling. Before running off towards the shack holding hands. We arrive and sit down in front of the gate. "Do you really think it's haunted?" I ask Micheal.

"Don't know, want to go in for a closer look?" he asks me.

"Sure, I'd love to" I say and we get up.

"Michel!" someone shouts and we freeze.

"Oh no, Grace keep your head down. Let me do the talking" Micheal tells me quickly. I look at him confused, but nod my head anyway. He wraps an arm around my shoulder and we turn around. Me keeping my head down. "Draco, what a surprise" he says coolly. Wait he's friends with Malfoy?

"You know, you're not suppose to be out here" Malfoy drawls.

"I was just taking Ciela shopping" Micheal tells him.

"Do I need to tell your mother you're sneaking out of school while there's a murderer on the loose?" Malfoy asks him. Micheal looks down shaking his head. "Thought so, remember cousin while here you're under my care. I don't want to get in trouble with my father, because you break rules. Take your date and return to castle at once" Malfoy tells him.

"Don't call me that" Micheal grumbles as he leads me away.

"Are you really related to him?" I ask Micheal.

"My mother is his mother's second cousin, makes him my third cousin" he mumbles.

"I don't care if you're related to him, you're still the same Micheal in my eyes" I tell him and kiss his cheek. We returned to the school and I felt closer to Micheal then ever before. Actually my feelings for him have been growing a lot since Halloween. But I don't know if it's friendship or something more. As I've never had this feeling before.


Picture above of Micheal and video above of Grace/Micheal's song (imagine Draco and Hermione are them).

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