What're the Odds They STILL Don't Know Each Other's Names?

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“Claudia’s a venture capitalist, and she made a killing last year.” Claudia’s husband tells Buck and Taylor as they all stand by the bar. “And Taylor says you’re a firefighter? That sounds fun.”

Buck nods, but he’s only humoring them when he says, “Oh yeah. Loads of fun.”

“I really respect the hell out of you for it. I hope you know that.” Claudia tells Buck, sounding like she might actually mean it.

Buck smiles, “Thanks.”, but it’s short lived when Taylor tosses in,

“Buck also flips houses as a side job. You know, real estate.”

Claudia’s face lights up like a freaking Christmas tree, “Oh wow! That’s even more incredible.”

“Jack of all trades, huh?” Claudia’s husband jokes.

Buck can agree with that, “You guessed it. Can’t pin anything down on me.”

“I just remembered! Kaden and I have an invite to a very important Christmas party on Christmas Eve!” Sophie tells Eddie, either oblivious or flat out ignoring the way he rolls his eyes.

“It’s for a fundraiser for the Children’s Hospital.” Kaden explains. “And lucky you, we have 4 tickets!”

Eddie’s mouth hangs open like a dead fish, at a complete loss what to say, so Sophie says for him, “And now you two can come with us!”

“But that’s still a few weeks away!” Eddie suddenly finds his voice again. “It’s still so new, we might break up before then. And it’s still so early--”

“Tell us his name!” Sophie stops him, succeeding in making Eddie’s throat closing up in realization he doesn’t have an answer.

“Right, his name...” He repeats pathetically, stalling for a moment. “It’s...”

Sophie and Kaden just look at him expectantly, until Eddie finally chickens out and says,

“Well I just call him...Probie.”, then winces once he sees they’re still waiting for more.

“Just a little joke I started before I knew better. And he calls me...”

Oh fuck this. He doesn't have a nickname, and he knows it.


Later, Eddie finally manages to step outside the restaurant for some air.

A sigh brings him out of his thoughts, and miracle of miracles, it’s the firefighter.

Eddie turns around, smile getting bigger as he says with his back still turned, “Hey there!”, then turns to look at him again.

The guy looks up and gives a friendly wave, “Hey.”, then snaps his fingers, “Ah, right. Cat food guy?”

Eddie nods, “Yeah, that was me. How’s Norman doing?”

When the guy laughs, Eddie swears it almost sounds relieved as he replies, “You remembered my stray cat’s name?”

Eddie doesn’t get what the deal is, “Why wouldn’t I? And how’s the forever home hunting going?”

The guy admits, “Not yet.”, and when he sees Eddie look away, he prompts, “So who are you trying to ditch?”

Eddie shakes his head, “Nobody! I just needed a breather.”

The guy appears to be in a philosophical mood, “Says more about them that we feel the need to take a breather without them than it does about us, doesn’t it?”

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