Buck and Eddie Get Used to their New Arrangement, and the 118 Starts to Notice

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“Oh God, I thought that test would never end!” Hen tells Eddie as they walk out of the classroom. 

“Oh come on. I bet you did better than me.” Eddie scoffs.

“All I care about is that it was the last one.” Hen informs him. “Which means it’s officially Christmas break!”

Eddie smiles at her enthusiasm, which then promptly freezes on his face when who should he find but Buck sitting on a planter outside.

“Buck?” he calls out hesitantly as he walks over. 

“Hey.” Buck gives a wave, then stands up. “How’d the test go?”

“Uh…” Eddie fumbles, looking to Hen for help before looking back and finishing lamely. “I think I did okay.”

“He’s being modest.” Hen tells Buck. “He most likely got the highest score.”

“Awesome!” Buck praises. “Would you, uh, wanna go out for coffee to celebrate?”

“Oh my god, you’re Probie?” Hen asks, already knowing the answer.

Eddie attempts to shush her too late, as Buck holds out a hand, “Hey, I’m Buck.”

As they shake hands, Eddie says, “Okay, in all honesty, the hot dogs we had was more than enough for me.”

“I’m sorry, what? “ Hen demands. “You had a hot dog with him?”

Eddie’s practically stabbing daggers at her with his eyes to try and make her shut up, which Hen is ignoring in favor of saying, “You absolutely should go out for coffee with him!”, then turning to Buck before Eddie can say anything, “He’d love to!”

“Great!” Buck says happily. “And you still have my firefighter jacket anyway. Can’t exactly leave you alone until I get that back.”

Eddie throws up an arm in resignation, “Okay, fine.”, then starts to follow Buck, with Hen cheering them on as they go.

“Do something I might do!”

“Okay, that was some seriously delicious coffee.” Eddie confesses to Buck as they walk up to Eddie’s building. “I don’t think I’ve ever been there before.”

“Firefighter/police perk. Guaranteed to know where to find the best coffee.” Buck replies, shrugging.

Eddie, however, is more focused on the unsettling sight of his front door wide open and takes off in a run, “Oh no no no no no!”

Buck stops at the bottom of the stairs, asking, “What, what’s wrong?”

Eddie turns around to say, “He found Jonsey.”, then rushes inside without another word.

The second he’s at the top of the stairs, Mr. Brubaker says in place of a greeting, “I knew you were up to no good.”

Eddie freezes in place as his landlord informs him, “I had the plumber come by to check the sink, and take a good guess what he found?”, then holds up a paper with the words Notice of Eviction in bold red ink.

Eddie snatches it out of his hand, and demands, “Where is she?”

“In the back.” Mr. Brubaker tells him smugly, but Eddie couldn’t care less, running right past him, calling out, “Jonsey! Jonsey, sweetheart, where are you?”, and returning a moment or two later holding the orange cat.

“This is a direct violation of the bylaws of this building.” the landlord says in a no nonsense tone. “It clearly states—”

“Was he given 48 hours notice before you came barging in here?” a voice cuts in from behind, making both of them turn to see Buck coming up the stairs. 

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