Norman Pulls a Tiny Tim. Or: Buck and Eddie Finally Stop Being Stupid and Talk

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“He said he didn’t want anything serious.” Eddie says to Hen as he’s curled up on her couch.

Hen nods, “That’s true. He did say that.”

“And I said I didn’t want to date until I got my degree.” Eddie says next.

“Yep, you said that too.”

“And then he told me he had a work thing.” Eddie sniffs. “But it wasn’t a work thing at all. He was on a date with some woman. A very beautiful woman. He lied right to my face.”

“He absolutely did!” Hen agrees. 

“But did he?” Eddie asks. “We weren’t dating at all. I had no real claim to him. And neither did he to me.”

Hen tries to steer him back, “Eddie we’ve been over this.”

Eddie wipes a hand over his face. “Then why the hell did he kiss me?”

Hen’s got an answer ready, “That was 100% my fault. Mistletoe rules are more iffy than we thought.”

Eddie lets out a humorless laugh, “You can say that again.”, right as his phone goes off.

Hen picks it up for him, and when she sees the name, begs him, “Eddie, just answer it. Please?”

Eddie won't hear it, “Nuh uh. Absolutely not. He’s seeing someone else. I’ll call him in about a month, once I’m…” he pauses, then huffs, “Completely over him.”

Hen asks, “Meaning you’re going to get over him?”

“I am. I absolutely am.”

Hi, Eddie. It’s Evan Buckley calling. Again. Just wanted to wish you a happy holidays. And I…hope your Christmas Eve is a good one. Just wanted to give you a call to tell you that me and Norman miss you and Jonsey. Just…call us back, huh? Happy holidays.”

“We suck, Norman.” Buck tells the cat as he sits at the table in the firehouse loft Christmas morning. “It’s official. Eddie’s the one that got away.”

Norman meows in protest, so Buck amends, “Fine, I suck. This is almost as bad as the Christmas when Maddie’s ex stabbed Chim.”

Norman meows again, sounding more insistent, making Buck ask, “What? I’m out of options here! I can’t even track him down!”

Norman, however, refuses to be ignored, and stands up, batting at the piece of paper he’s been sitting on, almost yowling.

Buck, upon seeing the paper for himself, reaches to grab it, eyes lighting up when he sees the headline,

Pet Rescue Adoption Day on Christmas in Jefferson Park

“Norman, you’re officially the first guy I will ever say this to. I love you!”

The adoption event is in full swing, with Eddie holding up a little puppy and telling the kids in front of him, “And this little princess loves kids.” before handing her to the boy in front of him.

A loud siren prompts Eddie to look towards the street instinctively, and in an instant, he finds himself getting up and walking towards the approaching firetruck.

Once the truck is parked, the driver’s door opens, and out comes Buck as he shuts the door, and dashes over to where Eddie’s standing.

“Buck? What’re you doing here?” He asks in complete bewilderment.

“It was Norman.” Buck lifts his arms in a shrug. “He somehow managed to remind me about your event.”

Eddie’s taken aback, “Oh did he? But then…” he trails off, completely confused. “Then why are you here? I thought you’d be spending the day with your girlfriend?”

Now Buck’s the confused one, “New girlfriend? There’s no new girlfriend.”

Eddie doesn’t have time for this, “Buck, you don’t need to spare my feelings. I saw you two at the Governor’s Christmas party. It’s okay.”

The confusion clears, and Buck repeats, “Wait, you were there?”

Eddie nods, “Uh huh. That’s the party you turned down my invitation for. When you said you’d be working. With a very pretty brunette.”

Buck lets out a loud breath of relief, “Oh my God, that’s what this is about?”, then laughs, “Oh man, that’s not what it was at all. I had to go to that party to promote the firefighter calendar. We do it every year to raise money for charity. The woman you saw me with was there with Chim, not me. She also happens to be my sister.”

Eddie can’t help the silent gasp at this revelation, feeling so ridiculously stupid for not considering that and relieved to have been wrong all at once.

Buck takes a step forward, grabbing one of Eddie’s hands, and declaring,

“Eddie Diaz. You are the smartest and hottest guy I’ve ever met. And I love how you know the difference a shade of white makes. I love how you know how to plug in a stove and cook a good meal.”

Eddie laughs, but doesn’t interrupt as Buck continues,

“I love that you love animals , and that you know the secret to buying the perfect Christmas tree. And I love hoy

you still believe in love, and by doing so, made me believe in it again.”Eddie’s starting to get misty eyed, but he couldn’t speak even if he wanted to.

“And I know it’s not fair to put all this on you when you told me up front you wanted to wait until you graduated before dating anyone. But it’s just like the quote says. Life’s what happens when you’re busy making other plans.”

Now Buck pauses, then throws his arms up, walking around Eddie, and declares, “Here I am! I’m Life, and I’m happening! I’m vocalizing and building trust!”

Now Eddie’s laughing on top of crying, as he squeaks out, “Tigers!”, right as Norman comes out of his hiding place on the truck and Jonsey busts out of her carrier to chase after him on the grass, rolling around for a few moments before laying down together.

Buck leans in, and says, “I’m ready to let you lick my entire face, so you know I want us to be together. Will you lay down for me?”

Eddie gets another shock laugh out of that, then leans in, but instead of licking his face, wraps his arms around Buck, resting his hands on his back, and Buck leans into the touch.

“I love you, Eddie.” Buck says simply, Eddie doesn’t even need a second to reply back, “And I love you, Evan Buckley.”

And then they’re kissing.

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