Buddie Begins

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“I seriously can’t remember the last time I got a deep tissue massage.” Eddie tells Sophie as they walk downtown.

“Oh we haven’t even started yet.” Sophie warns him. “We’re having a day on the town. All you ever do is volunteer and study for vet school!”

“Which I should actually be doing right now!” Eddie reminds her.

“No you should not.” Sophie argues back. “You should be pampering yourself on your sister’s dime and shopping for a new suit!”

Eddie pulls out his phone to check the time, “Soph, I don’t think so. I’ve been gone so long already.”

Sophie stops them in the middle of the sidewalk, and tells him flat out, “Eddie, stop. Now. You need to breathe, okay?”, then gestures to the window displays next to them. “It’s the holidays. Enjoy them while you can.”

Eddie keeps looking at the display, and traitorously, he can feel himself relaxing, to where he even lets Sophie hug him.

“Good. Better. Now in we go. You deserve it.” she declares, and leads them inside.

“Eddiiiieeee, come on. What’re you doing in there?” Sophie wheedles as she looks through the rack outside the fitting room.

“Alright, I’m coming out. Yeesh.” comes the muffled voice from behind the curtain.

Smirking, Sophie turns around, and with a swish of his curtain her older brother steps out, looking particularly handsome in a navy blue suit.

“Yowzers.” Sophie says softly, as Eddie moves uncomfortably.

“This is a really good looking suit.”

“Wrong. You’re a good looking guy.” Sophie corrects. “Probie won’t know what hit him when he sees you in that.”

Eddie’s already shaking his head, “Oh please no. I could never afford anything this nice.”

Sophie won’t hear it, “Problem solved. I sold a few more houses this month than expected, and for once, I want to  be the one doing something nice for you.”

Eddie protests, “Soph, this is way too much.”

“Eddie.” Sophie stops him from saying anymore. “When I first came to L.A. to get away from Mom and Dad, you gave me half of your savings so I could start my life here.”

Eddie softens, now feeling guilty for forcing her to bring that up, but she’s not done.

“You have no idea how much you’ve done for me just because of that. This suit is the least I can do.”

Eddie just nods in resignation, not feeling any less guilty, but at least not arguing anymore.

They both take a look at Eddie’s suit in the mirror , Sophie saying softly, “You look so much like dad.”

Eddie looks closer, and he almost feels like he can’t breathe as he asks, “Do I?”

Sophie nods, “Spitting image.”

In a rush, Eddie grabs Sophie in a hug, really not wanting to embarrass himself by crying in the middle of a clothing store.

“Te amo, hermanita.” He whispers in an attempt to calm himself down.

Sophie just takes it in stride, and replies, “Te amo, hermano mayor.”

“Wait, why are we stopping here?” Eddie asks, once he realizes Sophie’s parked in front of the fire station.

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