Buddie Goes Christmas Shopping, and Hen Gives Eddie a Little Help

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“Can I be honest about something?” Buck asks as he walks with Eddie among the Christmas trees. “This tree will be the first I’ve had in years.”

This surprises Eddie, “Really? What’s the story?”

“It’s my job. I buy, move into, fix up, then sell houses.” Buck explains. “Christmastime only makes up a small part of the year, and half the time all my money’s going into repairs, or I’m moving onto the next house, so I don't really see the point of buying a tree.”

Eddie can’t believe it, “Are you kidding? I refuse to even think about not celebrating the holidays. And decorating the tree is the best part.”

“Oh really? In that case…” Buck walks ahead, gesturing to the trees. “What’s your secret for finding the best tree?”

“Well, since you asked…” Eddie starts. “There’s actually a whole science to it. First and foremost, the freshness.”

He reaches out to grab the tree to demonstrate, “Then you have to take a deep inhale, check to see if you can really get that Christmas smell.”

Buck complies, closing his eyes as he takes a deep inhale. “Wait a sec, that’s not even a thing.”

Oh yes it is.“ Eddie insists. “Ask anyone who makes scented candles or air fresheners. Christmas has a very unique smell. It can range from the scent of pine, to gingerbread, even to holly berries.”

Buck nods along, “Oh, of course. Can’t forget the holly berries, can we?”

“And finally, we have the lean test.” Eddie moves on, before they get stuck arguing about it more. “You line yourself up with the tree, make sure it looks even. Then you lean oh so carefully to one side.” He does so, prompting Buck to copy him. “Then again to the other.” They do so as well.

“And back to straight again.” Eddie finishes, standing still. “If it looks good from all angles, you have a winner.”

Buck bites his lip in thought. “Wow, that is some secret. You could even patent it, make a fortune.”

Eddie laughs, “Oh, if only.”, then suddenly walks right past Buck. “And I just found the One.”

Buck freezes, only turning his head to follow where Eddie’s walking as he repeats nervously, “The One? How the hell could you possibly know something like that so quickly?”

Eddie keeps admiring the tree, as Buck is suddenly incapable of shutting up, “What if you buy it, take it home, then suddenly realize it’s all wrong? You’ll just have wasted your time and effort for nothing.”

Eddie only stares back, confused, finally getting Buck to realize he’s being an idiot, and shakes his head at himself, “Aw what am I saying? The tree’s perfect. Of course it is.”, then goes to help Eddie wrap it up.

“When I was a kid, there used to be one present that everyone denied having anything to do with.” Eddie tells Buck as he helps hang ornaments on the tree. “Not my parents, not my sisters, no one. So we assumed that was the Santa present. It was always the most heartfelt one.”

Buck smiles at the story, but doesn’t interrupt, until Eddie asks, “What about you?”

Unfortunately Buck has no choice but to disappoint, “Firefighters typically don’t get Christmas Eve or Day off. Most we get is a home cooked dinner made by Bobby, our captain, provided we don’t get a call while eating.”

Eddie winces in sympathy, “That’s..that’s gotta be hard.”

“It is what it is.” Buck replies back. “What’s your current Christmas tradition?”

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