The walk

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We walked out of the door to his house and started walking . The weather was cool and it was sprinkling.

Michael "so has that 'fake' Tyler person call you"

Lacey "nah I don't even care I don't get why it bothered me"

Michael "it probably just scared you"

Lacey "probably "

There it was that awkward silence
But Michael interrupted it

Michael "so I know we're just friends and everything and we known each other for three weeks and your 17 and I was just wondering do you want to go out sometime and you know be my girlfriend I know we haven't know each other that long but I really like you"

I giggled

Lacey "umm well we can go out but let's wait on the whole 'be your girlfriend ' thing okay "

Michael "yes!!! I finally get to you bring you on a date "

I laughed

Lacey "whatever Michael"

Michael "should we start heading back"

Lacey "what can we walk for 5 more minuets"

Michael "yeah sure"

After that it started pouring

Lacey "oh my god"
I laughed

Michael "come one "

He grabbed my hand and we walked home.

When we were halfway home he stopped me and kissed me . He had to bend down so much cause of my hight.
He pulled away

Michael "this is our date"

I smiled

Lacey "let's stay out okay "

Michael "okay"

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