Me and Michaels talk

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I walked upstairs to Michael's room he doors opened guess he heard me he leaned in with tears on his face and Kissed me right on the lips.
I smiled

Lacey "hey Michael"

Michael "do you love me"

Lacey "yes of course I do but Michael we aren dating...... "

Michael "will you be my girlfriend"

I smiled looked down and back up at his face

Lacey " yes but can I tell you something ."

He nodded and I walked in his room he closed the door and we sat on his bed.

Michael "what's up"

Lacey " you know that day I was really happy "

Michael "yeah"

Lacey " i was just acting I'm trying to make myself feel better"

Michael " I knew it but Lacey please stop I like you for you and don't I make you happy?"

Lacey "yes of course"

He smiled

Lacey "well I gonna spend the night at the my bands place I haven't been able to hang out with them In forever"

He nodded
When I started getting and walked out he grabbed my hand and pulled me into him and kissed me (make out session now 😁) Michael was bending down cause I was really short. He was kissing and he tripped on the bed on the end and I fell on top of him I started laugh
Lacey " I got to go"

Michael " I love you"
Lacey "I love you too"

Then I got off of him and hugged him and walked out then in the game room I saw the boys

Lacey "hey guys I gonna go to my place for the night and tomorrow "

Calum got up and hugged me
Calum "bye Lacey "

Ashton hugged me
Ashton "bye sis"

Luke came up to me he didn't hug me though he just walked pass me down the stairs .

Lacey "stay here I will talk to him"
I said to the boys.

Then I walked down the stairs and Luke wasn't there I walked outside and he was sitting at the end of the drive way I walked over to him

Lacey "what's wrong"

Luke "what am I doing wrong"

Lacey "what?"
I had a confused look on my face

Luke "why Michael? I'm not sure if you know this but I love you"

Lacey "well Luke I love you too your my best friend"

Luke "no!"

Lacey "what"
He cut me off and kissed me them he pulled away

Luke "I love you"

Lacey "oh um Luke me and-"

Luke "I know I heard him asked you to be his girlfriend you know I was gonna ask you that tonight aw man I should of done it earlier."

I looked down at my feet and a tear came down my face and Luke saw

Luke "hey hey hey don't cry"

I stood up
Lacey "why the hell not Luke!!!"
I shouted pretty loudly

Luke "look I'm sorry I should've never saw that "

Lacey "I don't want my best friend and my boyfriend too hate each other and I don't want to break with Michael I'm just gonna stay away from BOTH of you bye"

I opened the door then looked back at Luke

Lacey "you never even have me a hug asshole"

Then I got in closed the door started and looked at Luke he had tears coming from his eyes.
(This story is based off of different songs for this part is when Luke writes the song try hard.)
Then I drove off I went back to my bands place.
When I got there I made a keek


Lacey "hey guys sorry I haven't made any leeks in a while I'm just going through a lot sometime I wish I haven't met my bestfriend that's a guy it this boy band"
Tears came down my face

Lacey "before you make formed and meet people make sure there the people you want to keep forever"

The keek ended

I wiped my face of an got a Wipe out of the pocket of my door and wiped my face clean so I didn't look like I was crying. Then I turned off my at and got out I locked the doors and knocked on the door to my bands place
Payge answered

She hugged me

I laughed
Lacey "hi Payge can I stay here with you all again I miss you guys "

Payge "sure it's been quiet since you left "

Lacey "how your still here "

Payge "shut up"
She laughed
Payge "just put your stuff in your old room you had before"

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