2 days later

4 1 0

Me and Luke were laying in the grass just like we did when we were best friends

Luke "I remember when we first came here"

Lacey "when we were all friends and there was no drama and I didn't loose anyone"

Luke "don't think of it that way"
I smiled

Luke "one day kids will be calling you mrs Hemmings"
Lacey " oh really"
Luke "yeah"

I laughed

Lacey "hey Luke how long have you liked me"

Luke "since we met"

Lacey "how come you didn't ask me out then"

Luke "I didn't know if you felt the same"

Lacey "I did"

Luke "Lacey"

Lacey "yeah"

Luke "your nick name is gonna be lay lay"

Lacey "why so"

Luke "cause your gonna get laid and I'm gonna be the one to lay you down"

I hit Luke playfully

Lacey "no no Luke hemmings"

Luke "hey Lacey if we ever do have kids what will be there names"

Lacey "names?"

Luke "yeah"

Lacey "your thinking of having more than one kid"

Luke "why not"

Lacey "why so"

Luke "cause if there's as good as there mom then.... Hooray"

I laughed

Luke "but seriously what will be there name"

Lacey "girl."

Luke looked At me.
And are hand intertwined.

Lacey "Leanne or Lucy I don't know"

Luke "how did you get the name Leanne"

Lacey "your moms name is Liz and my moms name is Diane so I thought of Leanne"

Luke "I like Leanne"

I smiled

Luke "boy?"

Lacey "Luke jr. Or maybe since your name is Lucas just luke"

Luke "I like them"

Lacey "I like you"

He kissed me then we sat up and looked at each other.

Lacey "what"

Luke "your beautiful"

Lacey "Luke , Leanne your dad was in a very fantastic band that how I fell in love with them we met on our tours we met in Australia and were friends I actually hated you dad for a goo 3 days then I fell in love with him"

Luke "that's how you tell our story"

Lacey "no just your reputation"

Luke "your little UGHHHH"

Lacey "hey hey hey I know what your gonna say"

Luke "and that is "

Lacey " I love you"

Luke "and now I'll just ask you do you I do"

Lacey "we will sing that song when we wake up the day of our wedding"

He laughed.

Lacey "hey I gotta go back to my bands place"

Luke "bye pengie want me to walk you home "

Lacey "yes please"

We got up and walked to my place then we got there and we kissed then I walked in to my place

Payge "hey we have to go on tour we are leaving tomorrow"

Lacey "okay yay can I spend the day aT Luke's
Then since it would be our last day"

Payge "sure"

Lacey "bye"
It's about 6:30 now
I walked out and saw luke In the road walking home

Lacey "LUKE!"

He turned around

Lacey "not gonna wait for me!"

He laughed
Luke "come on"

When I got up to him are hands intertwined again.

Luke "I love you"

Lacey "I love you too"
We got to his place and Michael was there he didn't talk to me though he said he would when he's ready.i saw ashton and squealed

Lacey "hey Ashton"

Ashton "hey sis"

We hugged
I went and hugged Calum.
Luke "Crystal can I talk to you upstairs please"

Lacey "sure"

We walked upstairs and we went in his bedroom.

Luke "I love you and it's been 4 fours since we started dating and I wanted to show you tonight how much I do"

Lacey "Luke...."

Luke "do you accept"

Lacey "ummmm yes but if we say stop we gotta stop"

He nodded he came up to me kissed me and back me up to make the door shut and he locked it. He pulled away and picked me and we started kissing again and until we landed the bed where he was on top. He pulled my shirt off and I took his off and we started kissing again. After 2 minuets he took my shorts off and he took his jeans off. Left with boxers for him and bra and underwear for me. After a good 10 minuets we decided we were ready for you know what and it happened. After tht he gave me boxers for shorts And a big t shirt he put on sweatpants and a tank top and that was my first time.

Lacey "Luke?"
Luke "yeah"
Lacey "that's how much"
Luke "yeah"
Lacey "Luke"
Luke "yeah"
Lacey "did you use protection"
Luke "uh oh"
Lacey "LUKE!"
Luke " what?!"
Lacey "you dumb Ass I can get pregnant"
Luke " ah shit I'm sorry"
Lacey " I will take a pregnancy test tomorrow and then the next and the next day if I get 2 positives then we will go to the doctors and see okay"

He nodded we got up and walked out of his room ashton and Calum's mouthS formed a 'o' shape then calums turned into a smile and he started clapping

Michael had headphones on I don't think he heard.

Luke "what's wrong"

Ashton "Lacey is a soft moaner that's what's wrong"

Calum "dude you two did it"

Lacey "yeah and go fuck your selfs" I stormed downstairs and got a class of water. Ashton came down and out his hand on my shoulder

Ashton "what's wrong"
Lacey "he didn't use protection and I'm scared I don't think I'm ready to be a mom"
Ashton "you will be a great mom"
Lacey "But you have to take care of me"
Ashton "I will get some sleep"
I went up to Luke's room and fell asleep with Luke beside me.

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