we could form an attachment

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Agatha had not initially wanted to share a bed with a sepsis-ridden Tedros, but her mother had basically told her to.

"I can't afford firewood, and until his fever breaks, he's a free heat source," Callis had told her that evening. "Also, if he starts dying in the night you might notice and intervene faster."

"Or I'll be stuck in bed with his corpse." snapped Agatha.

"Used to corpses, aren't we?"


"Can always try kissing him." muttered Callis. "Isn't that a Princess thing? Mild necromancy by way of True Love's Kiss?"

"And if he stays dead?

"Camelot might be a bit scuppered, but it says wonderful things for my larder." said Callis nastily. Agatha had known they were both just stressed, but it hadn't stopped her making a certain gesture at her mother's back when she turned away.

But the last point had gotten to her and, if she was honest, she'd been too anxious to leave him alone.

However, it did not make it more pleasant.

Tedros sweated at the best of times, but feverish, he left pretty much everything he came into contact with to perpetually damp. He also made no sense, didn't stay still, and had to be bullied/coerced/seduced/forcefed into drinking anything.

It was two, now-- at least, she'd heard it strike two a while ago-- and it was the first extended period of time he'd been calm for at least three hours. Between dozing against the headboard and checking the dressing on Tedros's chest, Agatha was feeling both woozy and distinctly anxious--

She glanced at him again and realised he was looking at her. Oh, god.

If he wakes up and he's coherent, Agatha remembered Callis saying, keep him talking. Not that I suppose he's a sparkling conversationalist, but get something of his pea brain engaged--

She had been cut off when Agatha had taken the obvious bait and gotten annoyed, but it had been legitimate advice. She supposed.

Last time, he'd not seemed to really see her, more through her, so perhaps this was the same, but...

But he did seem to register her presence, this time at least, because he frowned. Some greeting.

"Thank you, Agatha, for staying up all night to make sure I don't die in the small hours," said Agatha in a terrible approximation of his accent. "Yes, you're welcome."

Still, Tedros frowned, and made a slightly depressing attempt at propping himself up to look around. Agatha sighed.

"Please don't tell me you need to pee, I don't want to haul you over there--"

"'S not proper." Tedros declared, with all the enormity of a royal proclamation, though it was undermined by his inability to enunciate properly. Agatha blinked at him, surprised at her disappointment that he wasn't coherent. Then again, Callis had given him some sort of dubious painkiller, so perhaps it wasn't to be expected.

"What isn't--" She noticed him looking between them and more or less exploded. "Are you serious--?" she lowered her voice to a hiss as Callis shifted across the other side of the room. "Tedros, there's only two beds anyway!"

Was he really going to complain about sharing a bed with her? Immediately, Agatha was ready to snap at him for being a snob and ungrateful and--

"It's... compromising your modesty?" said Tedros uncertainly. He sounded vaguely as if he might be quoting from something.

It was what? Agatha stared incredulously at him. Her modesty? His complaint was that--

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