the countess of bloodbrook

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Anadil knew without looking that both Hester and Agatha were struggling.

Holding in a sigh, she shifted her gaze to her left and was immediately greeted with the sight of both of them staring at the spread of cutlery and glasses before them-- Agatha apprehensive, Hester irritated.

Surely they teach you this at Good? She thought impatiently. She'd been relying on Agatha being able to help Hester, but clearly that wasn't going to be the case.

Anadi's mother did not deign to drop the cold, detached expression that she had passed on to her daughter, even when she spoke.

"So," Countess Clytemnestra of Bloodbrook said as the kitchen doors bashed open to bring out the first course, inclining her head towards Agatha. "This is a negotiation?"

It was testament to Agatha's practice as a diplomat over the last few months that she didn't scowl, like she usually would have when immediately called out.

"I wouldn't call it that." She said slowly. "More of a discussion of the options that we have moving forward."

Clytemnestra ignored her protest.

"What does your boy-King want with me? It must be important, if he's sent his lady love."

Agatha didn't smile, and Anadil applauded her internally. Dealing with Nevers, especially a Never as powerful as this, was very different to dealing with Evers. But Agatha had never been good at dealing with Evers in the first place.

"You've been an effective bridge between Evers and Nevers for years." said Agatha calmly, as some clear, grey-tinted soup is deposited in front of them. "You understand both, and you take customs from both. My husband would like to arrange a trade deal with the King of Bloodbrook, and--"

"You want me to be the go-between." supplied the Countess quietly, lifting her spoon to her lips.

Agatha, who knew a cue to copy when she saw one, glanced at Anadil for guidance. Anadil picked up the correct spoon and Agatha copied her after a few beats. Hester matched them, slightly slower. The soup was one Anadil remembered well from her childhood-- slightly peppery. Nothing particularly special, not the finest dish they could have offered, but she couldn't work out if it was meant to indicate to her that her mother disapproved of her choice to bring Agatha here, or if it was a wobbly attempt at making her feel welcome.

She and her mother had never been particularly affectionate.

"There's a lot to gain from agreeing to it." pointed out Hester, her first contribution so far. Clytemnestra's red eyes swivelled towards her, and Anadil bit back a groan.

Compared to Anadil, her mother, and the house, Hester looked particularly unkempt. Agatha had cleaned up decently-- at least, she was wearing an unstained dress and her crown-- but Hester was wearing a ragged old grey gown that Anadil suspected may have once belonged to her mother, and her hair was falling out of whatever attempt at an updo she'd forced it into.

"What could we want to gain? Or need to gain?" asked the Countess softly, indicating the elaborate black wood and bone-edged dining hall they were sat in. "Camelot is destitute-- he can't pay me anything significant, and why should I want favour from the Cowardly Lion?"

Agatha's hand tightened on her spoon. Anadil closed her eyes briefly. She should have known they'd be like this.

For as long as she can remember, her mother has been like this-- opulent and prideful. If the decor hadn't mostly been made out of bones and there wasn't a potions lab in the cellar, she'd have thought she was the worst type of Ever. Then again, most Evers tended not to try and set fire to charity representatives that came to the door as a fun post-breakfast game.

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