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Welcome! Welcome!To the first chapter of the book! Hope your all having a wonderful day or night, wherever you are~

Enjoy this one!

Major Fluff and Comfort
--Hermitcraft season 7--
Word Count: 1061

Grian stood at the entrance of his boyfriends lair, slightly tired from all the work today but like always ignoring it for he has much bigger things to deal with.

"Hello? Hels! " Grian called, knocking on the door as he waited patiently for his boyfriend.

The door eventually opened, as Hel's smiled at the arrival of his favorite hermit. "Hello Love! What brings you to my domain? " Asked lovingly as Hel's held Grian gently.

"Well, I have a surprise for you! Now come along! We don't wanna keep Ex Waiting~" Said Grian, excitingly flapping his wings as Hel's cooed at him.

"Alright, alright dear... Hang on, a surprise? Now that's just so sudden! What's the special occasion you bring me such gift? " Asked Hels, although he hasn't even seen it. The general excitement of the Avian was more than enough to convince him This was a big present.

"I'll tell you when we get there! After all, It wouldn't be fun if it was a surprise..." Grian gave Hel's a little kiss on the cheek, and he cooed that Hel's grew red from such a small action.

"Isn't it supposed to be you who gets all flustered when that happens hm?" asked the Knight of the Nether, trying to defend himself.

" It happens so frequently when I visit you might as well get used to it, Now c'mon! Ex is waiting for us! " Grian smiled, as the other smiled and nodded.

"why are we here at your Mansion Love? " Asked Hels, smiling a little confusingly as they landed on the roof of the upside down mansion.

"Well, the surprise is in here... C'mon! " Smiled G, as Hel's followed him inside. The casual interior of the Piglin farm and the Gold farm made both of them smile as Hel's really enjoyed using this sometimes when he needed to.

"Helsie! Over here! " The Avian called, Hel's looked over to see Grian at another part of the Upside down mansion, where it would be block off.
"What's this G? " He asked, seeing two warped doorways as curiosity peaked him. "Have a look inside!" A Small wink made him giggle, opening the door as He's was astounded by the room.

It was a bright blue wall, with grass on the floor, Trees on the ground, with vines hanging from the leaves, bushes and flowers later there. it almost looked like.. "Welcome to the Upside Down Overworld Hels... " Came another voice, as infront of him was his other boyfriend. "Ex?" Hels called, not believing his eyes.

"Greetings... My Beloved Knight..." He smiled, bowing before him, as Hels gave him a big hug... Tears streaming down his face but the fire in his body quickly evaporated them away. "We thought, If you couldn't go to the Overworld, we'd bring the Overworld to you! Cause you didn't get to experience it all that well..." Said Grian a little sheepishly.

"This is amazing... What did I do to deserve this? " Hels chuckled, looking at both his lover's with teary eyes. "Being You Idiot... " Smiled G, as they all hugged each other...


It's been a few minutes since then, and they all have collected the time to make flower crowns, well, Try to make flower crowns, Ex and Hels having no clue what their doing while Grian being a hippie back in season 6 has not lost his grip.

"Grian, How are you so good at these.. " Chuckled Ex, looking at his failed flower crown, as he looked towards the Avian who had managed to make a few in a couple of minutes.

"Patience, Practice, Concentration and most Importantly of all... Love..." He said it in such a way where it made the two blush.

"Can I brush your wings Grian..? " Hels said it in a whisper, but Grian nodded as he knew he could Trust Hels with brushing his wings.

After getting in position, Grian sighed softly at the gentle warm feeling Hels is giving, Ex giving up on his flower crown, laid his head on Grian's lap...

Smiling the hermit placed a few flowers on his hair, as the happy couple enjoyed the moment while it lasted.
"I still can't believe you both did this for me... I'm thankful" Hel's smiled warmly at his two lovers, Hels also laying his head on Grian's lap.

"Of course Helsie! It was the least we could do... " Smiled Grian, giggling as he let his wings stretch out a little bit more.

"Was Mostly Grian's Idea Love... " Smiled Ex. Hels chuckled as he tackled Ex without a warning.

"Gah- Hels! " Ex yelped as Hel's tickled his neck, setting him into a fit of laughter as he tried to get Hel's off.

"Get o-off me you Idiot! " He said inbetween his fits of laughter, as Hels didn't stop despite Ex's best attempts at trying to stop him.

Grian watched with a warm smile as he knew he was lucky enough to see two people who were considered Evil and Threatening... Be this playful and kind to one another. That's just how love is to them.

"Alright you two, thats enough... Cuddles? " Grian giggled, not getting a response verbally but getting tackled himself by his two boyfriends.

"That be nice Love... " Ex said,slightly out of breath. But he relaxed himself on Grian's chest as he wat he'd Hel's get comfortable laying on his lap.

Grian set his wings to their like blankets on the two. "This is the most peace I've had in a while... " Hels said, happy for once in a while. "I can agree... " Whispered Ex, as he drifted to sleep.

"Go to sleep Helsie... I'm not going anywhere..." G said in a soft voice, Hel's found the comfort and peace he waited for in so long, his eyes closed shut as leaving him into a dreamless slumber.

Grian sighed with comfort as he loved every second of this, And despite the fact they may be in the nether. The illusion that they are in the Overworld is a big enough win for all three of them.

Hope you guys enjoyed this! Leave me suggestions for future chapters and I will see you all again! :DD

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