Chapter 1: A Normal School Day

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Chongyun walked into the front gates of their Academy. Beside him, his crush of 5 years, Xingqiu; whom was currently complaining about how he was single and how he wished his crush would get the hint. Chongyun's body language slumped a little bit, it always did when Xingqiu talked about his long term crush. All Chongyun knew about him was that it was, a him, not a girl.

Deep down he wished Xingqiu's crush was him. After all, 5-year-old Xingqiu was the one to propose to him on the playground with a pretty rock he had found on the ground. Chongyun still had it, in fact, it rested in a case by his bed. It was the most important thing in his room, only beat out when Xingqiu was in his bedroom.

Chongyun watched Xingqiu rant, staring at him. He didn't have a care in the world when he stared at Xingqiu. It made him feel something odd. It was so warm. He didn't mind it, he never minded it. Well, he did. He hated when his face flushed at the thought of Xingqiu. It definitely gave him away. Like right now. But everyone was too focused on Xingqiu to notice. At least that's what he hoped.

Xiangling giggled at Chongyun. "Xing, your boyfriend is flustered again~," she teased.

Chongyun's face got hotter, and Xingqiu shrugged the title off with nothing but a soft blush. Not that Chongyun noticed, he was too busy freaking out about his own blush.

"You know better than to tease him Xiangling," he light-heartedly scolded, going into Chongyun's lunch bag and pulling out one of his emergency popsicles. "Face me," he smiled at Chongyun, who uncovered his face.

Chongyun loved this Xingqiu, this was his favourite side, the one that cared for him. He hated to think about the future where someone would see this Xingqiu that wasn't him. So, he'd cherish it now.

Chongyun opened his mouth softly and Xingqiu put the popsicle in his mouth, smiling at him. "There you go Yun, cool down," Xingqiu said and Chongyun nodded.

As they got closer to the front of the campus, more and more of their friends accumulated. Aether and Lumine had joined their group, followed by Kaeya because his brother had clubs in the early morning.

Aether started up a conversation and the atmosphere went back to normal. Chongyun was glad that nobody except Xiangling was there to witness his embarrassing moment. Not only that, but Xiangling was used to his and Xingqiu's moments.

The group walked through the hallways, arriving at their homeroom just in time to see their History Teacher, Mr. Zhongli, walk out of Mr. Tartaglia's room. They giggled to themselves before entering the classroom.

Ajax stood, leaning against his desk, a soft blush on his cheeks, and a dorky grin across his face. It was obvious that he had a crush on Mr. Zhongli, they always flirted with one another. Well, Mr. Zhongli was flirted with by Mr. Tartaglia, but Mr. Zhongli just stood there. It seemed really one-sided, but it distracted their teacher.

"Ooooh~," Lumine teased with a light giggle.

"Oh like you can say anything Lumine," Aether elbowed her. "With your crush on you-know-who"

Lumine flushed a light pink. "THAT'S NOT FAIR!! I DON'T TALK ABOUT YOUR CRUSH," she softly hit her brother's shoulder.

Aether chuckled softly, rubbing his shoulder as they all made moves to set their stuff down before getting in their little groups before school started.

Xingqiu was chatting up a storm while half snuggled into Chongyun, basically sitting on the poor flustered boy. "You should've seen Chongyun at that part where he jumped out, he threw popcorn all over himself," Xingqiu giggled, recounting his and Chongyun's weekend adventures.

Xingqiu always had something to say about his and Chongyun's weekend. They were never apart. It was a wonder how they weren't dating. They were the perfect pair, every part of them worked well together. And no matter how much Xingqiu joked and pranked Chongyun, he truly cared for Chongyun.

One summer, Chongyun had fallen out of a tree trying to get his neighbor's kite down, and landed himself in the hospital. The second Xingqiu was alerted, he spent all of his time by Chongyun's side till he got better. For 3 months they practically lived together. Xingqiu took care of Chongyun's every whim, and sacrificed a lot of sleep for. It wasn't unusual to see him curled up on Chongyun's bed, taking a cat nap with his blue-haired partner.

They had always been confused as a couple, and for good reason. They were constantly doing things that weren't even slightly platonic. And yet they were still pining over one another. All Chongyun knew is that he was Xingqiu's and Xingqiu was his. That's how it was, and that's how it was always going to be.

Until he got the world shattering news that Xingqiu had a crush. It hit him like a bus, the news startled him more than he'd like to admit, and he went through 2 month's worth of popsicles in a mere few days. It was so odd to think about Xingqiu being with somebody else, even if they made Xingqiu happy. He didn't want it, it made him upset.

He remembers pulling Xingqiu aside, and Xingqiu flushing at the mention, he had talked on and on about his crush, and it was so loving. The look in Xingqiu's eyes when just talking about this person made him jealous. But that was his best friend, and if he was happy, he'd suck it up and be there for him. Even though a part of him hoped that the crush would never learn of Xingqiu's crush on them. Then Xingqiu would be his.

And in the months since that day, the crush just seemed to get stronger. Everyone around him always teased him when they had figured out Xingqiu's crush, but Xingqiu wouldn't tell him. Maybe he'd just never know. Maybe that proposal on the playground meant nothing.

Chongyun was snapped back to reality when he felt Xingqiu slip off his lap to sit in his desk. Chongyun frowned softly, wishing he had been brave enough to wrap his arms around Xingqiu's waist - Xingqiu's perfect waist. He looked at the love of his life as he buried his nose in his notebook, him and Albedo had been writing a story together with help from Kokomi in B class.

Sometimes Chongyun wondered if Xingqiu's crush was Kokomi, it couldn't be Albedo, because Albedo already had a boyfriend. He tried to shrug it off, Xingqiu couldn't keep it hidden forever. He'd just have to get it out of him somehow.

He glanced out the window, sighing softly as he watched the soft spring breeze flow through the almost bloomed cherry blossom trees. It felt like such a romantic atmosphere, it was kind of overwhelming, but in a good way.

As Chongyun drifted into another daydream and Xingqiu furiously scribbled away in his prized notebook, the class was bombarding their teacher with questions about Mr. Zhongli. Even the kids that weren't there to witness their history teacher walking out of their homeroom teacher's class. Especially considering their regular subjects we're nothing alike.

Ajax was the gym teacher, whereas Mr. Zhongli was a history teacher. They were worlds apart, and yet they saw each other daily. The students couldn't help but question it.

"Coach! Isn't it true that you bring him his favourite coffee every morning because he usually forgets!," Yanfei stood up from her desk, her chair moving back in one fluid motion.

", we teach on the same floor, it's an act of kindness, there's no need to look so far into it," the coach sighed, leaning back onto his desk.

"But aren't you married Coach? Why don't you have any pictures of your significant other? Why are you flirting with Mr. Zhongli if both of you are married!," Hu Tao chimed in, putting her legs on the desk and crossing them.

"I do not flirt with Mr. Zhongli, he's just my co-worker, now you guys better get to work on your work," Ajax made an attempt to get them all to work, but to no avail, they were caught up in his love life, like they were every morning until the bell rang. Signaling his sweet release.

Everyone quietly packed up their stuff and moved on to their next class.

The entire day went by so quickly. It felt odd when the bell rang to release them; but, Chongyun wasn't one to complain, especially when it meant that it was him and Xingqiu time. There was no possible way Xingqiu could hang out with his crush if he was at his house, playing video games and laying on his lap. It was fool proof! There was no possible way Xingqiu would have contact with his crush.

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