Chapter 3: A Club

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Xingqiu woke up to Chongyun's alarm, groaning softly. Xingqiu was everything but a morning person. Getting him out of bed was a hefty task to complete, and there were only two people in the world that could accomplish it; Chongyun, and Xingqiu's older brother. 

Chongyun also was less than happy to be awake. He wanted to stay in bed and hold Xingqiu close, school was an afterthought really. However, he knew that if they were to stay in bed, both of their parents would get mad. So, he had to wake up, and ease Xingqiu into the living world. 

"Xi, it's time to wake up," he whispered softly as Xingqiu nuzzled himself further into Chongyun's chest with a groan. 

Chongyun chuckled softly, Xingqiu was too cute for his own good, he just hoped the boy wasn't able to hear how quickly his heart was racing. "I don't wanna," Xingqiu whined, peeking up at him from Chongyun's chest. 

"Uh...I'll buy you coffee? Or a snack or something? We need to get to school Xi," Chongyun looked down at him, running his fingers through Xingqiu's well-kept hair. 

Xingqiu poundered the bribe for a moment, and looked at the helpless look in Chongyun's eyes; he begrudgingly got up, straddling Chongyun. "I want coffee and a snack," Xingqiu smirked, looking down at Chongyun. 

The male sighed, giggling afterwards. "Fine fine, you win, let me go get our uniforms," he lifted Xingqiu off of him like he weighed nothing, sitting him on the bed and leaving the room. 

Xingqiu had a massive blush across his face as Chongyun walked out of the bedroom. He was absolutely in love with the moments Chongyun displayed his strength. It easily made Chongyun ten times more attractive than usual, something about a man that could lift him with ease was so attractive. He laid on the bed, holding Aqua over his face. 

Xingqiu turned the stuffed animal to face him. "I'm so in love with your dad, Aqua, too bad he doesn't love me," he chuckled sadly, kissing Aqua's nose. 

Chongyun walked in a few moments later to Xingqiu nuzzling Aqua's face. "Uh, I hate to interrupt your moment with our son Xi, but we gotta get ready," he smiled, holding out Xingqiu's uniform to him. 

"A-ah...yes, thanks yun," Xingqiu stuttered, setting Aqua down, and standing up, facing away from Chongyun. 

Xingqiu began to undress, him and Chongyun have known each other for forever, not to mention they used to take baths together. Not only that but he trusted Chongyun to not do anything weird. However, that didn't stop Chongyun's massive blush and the typical horny teenager thoughts. 

Chongyun rushed to get dressed so he could grab a popsicle to cool down. Sometimes he hated hormones. Scratch that, he hated hormones ALL the time. He quickly grabbed a popsicle, calming down himself and his blush, as Xingqiu walked downstairs with their bags and Aqua securely in his arms. 

"Yun! We should bring Aqua to school!," Xingqiu exclaimed, looking very proud of his idea. 

Chongyun's eyebrows furrowed, quickly thinking of all the pro's and con's of Xingqiu bringing the plush to school. After about a minute or so of silence, Chongyun looked up at Xingqiu. "Aren't you writing your book with Albedo and Kokomi after school? I don't know if Aqua would want to be there for all that," he asked, tilting his head softly. 

"Then you can take him home with you, unless you plan on waiting for me like you usually do," Xingqiu responded, holding Aqua tighter. 

"Of course I'm going to wait for you, who else would make sure you get home safe? Kaeya makes sure Albedo get's home safely, Kokomi gets escorted by Gorou and his boyfriend, you need someone too!," Chongyun exclaimed. 

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 13, 2021 ⏰

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