Chapter 2: A Sleepover

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As soon as the bell rang, they walked down to the school's front lockers to switch their shoes before walking home.

Xingqiu yawned and he held Chongyun's hand. "Today was eventful, I feel like I'm going to fall asleep when I get to your house," Xingqiu giggled, snuggling into Chongyun who looked at him warmly.

"Then we can nap together, you can probably stay the night, you do have clothes," he said hopefully, holding Xingqiu's hand tighter.

"Mnn your bed is comfy, did I leave Aqua at your house last time?," Xingqiu asked softly as they strolled to Chongyun's house.

Aqua, was Xingqiu's blue cat plushie. He had originally bought it because he claimed it looked like Chongyun and he just had to have it. They had spent months trying to figure out a name for the plush, until it just hit Xingqiu one day. Aqua! It was the perfect name. He had rushed to grab his phone to text Chongyun a photo of him and the cat plushie. He sent the photo with the caption 'Meet our son! His name is Aqua'.

Chongyun had been working out when he got the message, picking up his phone and seeing an adorable photo of Xingqiu that was immediately saved into his phone. Chongyun had an entire folder for Xingqiu's selfies, labeled; Xingqiu Supremacy Folder. And this selfie was perfect, not to mention the blush he got when Xingqiu referred to the plush as their son.

Chongyun smiled at the thought of Aqua. "Yeah, he's still at my house, I've been cuddling him and giving him good night kisses just like you told me to," he smiled down at Xingqiu who grinned up at him.

"We're amazing parents, Aqua is the cutest and the most loved child ever," Xingqiu giggled.

"We are amazing parents," Chongyun agreed, as the pair fell into a comfortable silence as they walked home.

It was a really nice day, not too hot with a nice breeze flowing through the tree's, rattling ever so softly and causing Xingqiu to cuddle closer to Chongyun. Chilly days were sometimes both boys constantly welcomed, it made their habit of always being on top of one another not as sweaty. And it gave Xingqiu the excuse to steal Chongyun's sweaters.

They continued to walk to Chongyun's home, not feeling the need to say anything, the moment was comfortable. Chongyun smiled at Xingqiu as they walked up to his house, walking through the front door.

The boys slipped off their shoes, leaving their bags in the cubbies in the front room. Chongyun's mom loved organization, so she had Chongyun's dad build specialized cubbies for all of their outside of the house needs. And at some point, Xingqiu had gotten his very own cubby.

Chongyun's mom had always said it was because they'd be family soon, which never failed to make Xingqiu blush. He loved imagining him and Chongyun having their own family after getting married one day. However, even if that did happen, it'd be far into the future.

Xingqiu grabbed his charger out of his bag before following Chongyun up to his room. Xingqiu had stolen his usual outlet, plugging his phone in before flopping on the Queen-sized bed and snuggling Aqua.

Chongyun giggled, getting on the bed in a neater manner, wrapping his arms around Xingqiu and burying his face in the crook of Xingqiu's neck.

He couldn't help but think about how good Xingqiu smelled. It was so sophisticated, yet it was a nice warm scent of vanilla. He smelt like the best of fall and winter scents, with a slight hint of the ocean, and Chongyun was in love with it. Granted, he was in love with all things Xingqiu, it didn't matter what they were.

Xingqiu had since fallen asleep in his arms, and Chongyun couldn't help but think back to Xingqiu's crush. To him, it just appeared one day, but to Xingqiu — he said he's had it forever. He racked his brain for any and all other guy's they went to school with, and how long they've known each one.

He tried to narrow it down, but it felt impossible, he had no idea what Xingqiu's type was, and everytime he asked he was met with: "Ah Yun~ If I told you, it'd be too obvious". So, he was stuck, and it frustrated him. He wanted to know sooner rather than later, if he did maybe he could intervene.

Chongyun sighed, looking at the peacefully asleep boy in his arms, simply looking at him made his worries and thoughts melt away. He nuzzled into Xingqiu's perfectly kept hair, smiling to himself, leaving a soft kiss just behind Xingqiu's ear. That was his favorite spot to give Xingqiu kisses. He had the cutest birthmark right behind his ear, and it was too perfect not to kiss, no matter how insecure Xingqiu was about it.

Xingqiu made a very soft groan in his sleep, shifting his weight a little bit before falling back into his deep sleep. Chongyun felt his cheeks grow hot, as he closed his eyes, trying to calm his heart beat. Yet another thing about Xingqiu that he adored. His sleeping noises. Except, they drove his heart crazy, and it was too hard to escape and get a popsicle.

So, he tried to also fall asleep, which eventually came to him. He always found that he slept better when sleeping with Xingqiu. Maybe it was something about his warmth, maybe the comfort Xingqiu being in his arms gave him, maybe it was these or a multitude of things about Xingqiu. Which made it all that much worse when someone else would eventually get his place. That stupid crush of Xingqiu's.

They slept peacefully, until Chongyun's mom walked in to tell them dinner was ready. She snickered softly, quickly snapping a picture of her son and his crush sleeping peacefully together. Afterwards, she softly shook the two awake, both boys groaning as they woke up.

Xingqiu was not having it, he didn't want to be awake, so he turned around to bury his face into Chongyun's chest, hugging his waist. Chongyun smiled down at him, running his fingers through Xingqiu's hair to soothe him.

"We'll be down soon mom, I'm just going to give Xingqiu a bit to wake up," he smiled up at his mom with a dopey grin.

"Alright, but you two better be down in 10 minutes," she chuckled, ruffling the boy's hair.

Chongyun nodded as his mom left, turning to ease Xingqiu into waking up for dinner. Xingqiu peeking his head out to look up at him. "I don't want dinner yet, I'm cozy," he nuzzled his chest.

Chongyun blushed, running his hand through the male's hair with a soft smile. "But you have to, then we can go back to cuddling," he leaned down to kiss his forehead out of pure habit.

Xingqiu blushed, looking away. "O-okay...I suppose I'll get up," he broke out of Chongyun's warm arms, despite how much he wanted to stay.

Chongyun smiled, slipping out of bed as Xingqiu followed him. They walked downstairs, sitting in their designated spots. Xingqiu had been over for dinner so often that he had his own spot, just like basically everywhere in this house. Xingqiu was treated like one of their own, considering, out of everyone, Chongyun's mom wanted him and Chongyun to get married one day. He loved that idea, he always had.

Xingqiu was mindlessly eating, staring at Chongyun, who's food had been put in the fridge so it wouldn't be hot when he ate it. Xingqiu smiled, Chongyun was so cute, he loved him and his little habits.

Dinner was over, and Chongyun helped Xingqiu with doing dishes and cleaning up after dinner. They worked in perfect sync, they always have. After finishing, Xingqiu leaned on Chongyun, who responded by picking him up bridal style. Chongyun always had impressive upper body strength.

"Sleepy," Xingqiu nuzzled into him, and Chongyun chuckled, carrying Xingqiu upstairs to his bed.

Chongyun laid Xingqiu down softly, before getting pulled into a cuddle. "You can do your stuff but I'm sleeping," Xingqiu smiled, before snuggling into Chongyun to fall asleep.

"Sleep well Xi," Chongyun buried his face into Xingqiu's hair. He found it humorous that Xingqiu thought Chongyun was capable of doing anything when he was in his arms.

Eventually they both drifted off into a peaceful sleep in one another's embrace.

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