A cosmic night projected onto the ceiling of your room.
and galaxies,
and reds,
a million stars,
and you.
You are a star,
for you shine brightly;
you caught my attention.
Rightly so,
for you are wondrous.
You heart is large,
and your love is pure.
I started dreaming of other stars,
even if I could still only see yours when I looked out the window.
Your star is no longer on my horizon,
yet all I see is an empty sky above me.
In my heart,
I feel that there is a bright future ahead of me,
and sometimes single frames flash before my eyes,
but when my hands go to grab the life I see,
it dissipates between my fingers,
faerie dust and nothing more.
Tonight, I look out the window again and still see no stars.
I reminisce on how it felt to have your light shine down upon my skin,
but even while I was naked,
you could not radiate into the darkest corners of my soul.
I begged of you star,
to never leave me,
to never let me face the fiends of the night alone.
I wholeheartedly deluded myself into believing one star and a naked body could ward off demons that had had their claws dug into my flesh even before I was born.
I let you go,
and I threw my naked body out the window to face the empty sky alone.
Now I lay in the dirt,
covered in the earth from which I was born
I look up,
I see no stars,
but I feel the Devil emerging from the ground to gnaw on my bones.
In my heart I feel that there is a bright future ahead of me,
but I do not see it.
Shall I love another star just for some hope to fall upon me?
for this time I will let Satan ravage my naked body,
I shall put up no fight.
And when Lucifer has etched his name into my heart,
then shall I ascend into the heavens,
and shine brightly,
all on my own.
Introspection: Poems by a Ruminator
PoetryWhen hardship is experienced, it is only human of us to think on the past. Sometimes though, we end up in a cycle of rumination, reliving events that cannot be changed; we become depressed in our memories. Writing can be therapeutic, so here is a co...