Must positivity stem from the absence of negativity?
To be happy must we avoid all that is dark and depressing?
Delete our social media,
avoid the news,
and speak only of more cheerful times?
Or is the chase of happiness a race that cannot be won?
For avoiding all negativity means seclusion,
locking doors,
and engaging only in idle chit chat,
jokes and pleasantries and never anything serious.
To act so is like separating ourselves from the earth through a fly-wire door.
We can hear and see everything,
and sure no bugs get in,
but we touch nothing,
and feel even less.
Introspection: Poems by a Ruminator
PoesíaWhen hardship is experienced, it is only human of us to think on the past. Sometimes though, we end up in a cycle of rumination, reliving events that cannot be changed; we become depressed in our memories. Writing can be therapeutic, so here is a co...