9th December (2)

62 3 0

- Decoration Explosion
- Percy/Leo/Nico
- Romantic


"Do you really think this is a good idea?" Nico asked one of his boyfriend's (Percy), as the two of them watched their other boyfriend, Leo, patter around in his workroom.

"Nope." Percy replied, with the utmost assurance.

Nico turned away from one boyfriend and towards the other one, his expression bewildered, "Then why-"

"Because it makes him happy." Percy interrupted, still gazing fondly over at Leo.

"Oh, right; that makes sense." Nico nodded, looking a lot less confuzzled. "Yeah, he can carry on, then."

Leo piped up, then, from all the way across the room.

"Thank you for your permission, oh Great And Powerful Nico."


"These look awesome, Leo. You did a great job."

Said young man beamed, immediately lighting up at the verbal praise he recieved from his boyfriend. He stood with his back straight, and his hands clasped behind himself, both awaiting and welcoming more compliments. He turned to face his other boyfriend, then, staring expectantly at him.

"Huh?" Nico looked up, surprised, as he received a gentle elbow nudge to the ribs from Percy.

Leo cleared his throat, still staring at Nico earnestly.

"Oh, right! Yeah, Leo, these are really nice." After seeing the faint pink flush on his boyfriend's cheeks, Nico added, "They're almost as pretty as you."


Later, all three of them crowd around the artificial tree in their living room, the tub of Leo's homemade decorations resting on the floor, at their feet.

When Leo made a joke, and Percy laughed in shocked amusement, he accidentally dropped the bronze-coloured bauble he'd previously held with such a tender touch (rightfully so).

They all watched, horrified, as the fragile bauble crashed to the ground.


"Just be careful, next time, yeah guys? Someone could have gotten seriously hurt, you realise?"

Nico nodded, speaking for the three of them as he stood facing the intimidating, 6 foot 4 fireman with a serious expression.

"So, next year, no homemade decorations, I guess." Percy placed an apologetic kiss against his boyfriend's cheek. "I'm sorry."

Leo smiled back at him assuringly, simply shaking it off - though reluctantly.

"It's fine. I got to try it this year, at least."

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