12th December (2)

53 3 0

- "You call this Christmas Dinner?"
- Percy/Nico/Alabaster
- Romantic


After lots of consideration (read: begging and pleading from Percy), it was unanimously (eh, that was a bit of a grey area, really) decided that Percy would be the one to cook their Christmas Dinner this year.

"We are so going to regret this." Alabaster stated, presenting his voice as joking when, really, he was anything but that.

"Most likely." Nico commented with a smirk, not affected enough to commit to a full blown smile.

"Don't doubt me!" Was shouted from the kitchen, where Percy currently worked, rushing around the room at his new-found chef's speed.

"I can doubt you all I want, loser." Alabaster replied, with his loud voice extra snarky. "Don't try and tell me what to do."

Nico looked over at his boyfriend dubiously, feeling absolutely flummoxed.

"He's literally cooking you a three course meal - show a little respect!"

"What Nico said!"


Alabaster laughed at the critical, judgemental comment Nico had just made, nodding his head in agreement.

(Luckily for them, Percy was still in the kitchen, so he didn't happen to hear them. Percy was all for gossip; but he actually happened to like the person that they were gossiping about. Though, of course, Nico didn't gossip. That's something he would never admit to.)

"Guys, I'm done!"

Alabaster smiled, rather like a smirk, over at Nico. Together, they awaited their boyfriend's entrance to the dining room.

Said boyfriend entered said dining room just under a minute later, his arms laden with three crock plates.

As Percy placed his plate in front of him, Alabaster's draw dropped in shock.

"What is this?" He asked as Percy placed Nico's plate down, and then sat at the table with his own in front of him.

"Christmas Dinner."

Alabaster raised a single eyebrow, doubtful.

"You call this Christmas Dinner?"

Percy looked up at him, then, his knife and fork in his hands as he prepared to dig into his meal.

"Yes. Do you not?" Percy popped a green bean into his mouth.

"I can't say I do." Alabaster exclaimed, looking to Nico for back up.

Nico rightfully kept his head down and began eating.

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