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It's half past 12 and Namjoon is still alone in the balcony. He has been sitting outside, waiting for quite a while now. He's kinda expecting for a particular someone to show up. His coffee was getting cold just like the midnight air. He purses his lips and he dreadfully waits for his neighbor to come out of his own balcony. Maybe he's not going out to smoke?

Namjoon pouts and grabs his ryan mug, taking a swig on his lukewarm coffee. He intentionally made it sweeter, putting dollops of cream in the bitter coffee as compensation for the lack of sweetness from the disaster that was last night.

God, he misses his dad. His father used to make the best coffees in the entire world (according to Namjoon, at least). Sadly, Namjoon has moved out to pursue his personal endeavors. The world-class coffee has long burned into his mind as a sweet memory of his parents back home in Ilsan. He puts the mug back on the small table and he takes out his phone to choose a song from his playlist.

Friends by Francis and the lights (ft. Bon Iver) starts playing. Maybe tonight's going to be a different night. No hot neighbor. No risk from secondhand smoke. Just him and his favorite cup of coffee. In other words, he's having the perfect evening that he had always envisioned since he stepped into his apartment.

He takes one sip from his latte, the sweet taste instantly crowding his tongue. He heaves out a sigh of satisfaction and once more admires the lights from the highest of skycrapers in the city.

Unfortunately for him, his peace doesn't last long. He hears sounds of thrashing by the apartment next door and he swears that he may have heard some glass shatter. He isn't too sure since the sound was faint but it's loud enough for him to hear. He makes a side eye on the balcony beside him and he tilts his head a little in an attempt to peer over the glass sliding door.

Namjoon shakes his head. No, he's not doing this. He's not going to be that kind of neighbor. It's not any of his business, in fact, it's no one's business to check up on his neighbor even if they're considerably hot.

Since his mood is already ruined anyway, he turns back and gets inside his own apartment.

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