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Namjoon is in his usual spot in his balcony. He's leaning on the railings as he takes his first sip on his coffee. A grimace starts to form on his face when the liquid washes down his taste buds. He made it too bitter that night. He puckers his lips in distaste and looks at the view in front of him to divert his attention from the failure that is his coffee.

It is a bit cold so he holds his mug with both of his palms to fight the chill. He drinks in the peaceful ambiance and starts to think of melodies in his head, a sudden rush of creativity filling his mind. He's in the middle of bobbing his head slightly up and down when his neighbor came out from his balcony.

Namjoon senses the newcomer so he abruptly halts. He sees the man lighting up his cigarette through his peripheral vision. Namjoon's face turns sour when he sees the smoke coming out of Yoongi's lips. He doesn't like the way the smoke bites on the crisp cold air with its unpleasant smell disrupting his inner peace. Again with the smoking.

He doesn't know if he should open his mouth or not. Should he also say hi? He has introduced himself to him the other night so it should be okay to talk to him, right? Namjoon's tongue feels like it's been tied into a knot, so he resorts to stealing glances at his oblivious neighbor.


The lanky guy's eyes widen. He hesitantly turns his head to his left to see the feline-eyed fellow looking straight at him.

"Me?" Namjoon admits that he sounds dumb but he would never admit that his heart just skipped a bit at his neighbor's deep voice.

"Yes, you. Namjoon." Yoongi flicks his cigarette a bit, holding it on standby while he stares and waits for Namjoon.

Namjoon nods when he hears his name. "Yes, that's me. Hello."

Yoongi nods at him before leaning on the railings to continue smoking. Namjoon just stands there dumbfoundedly. He almost thinks Yoongi wanted to talk to him but he later arrives into the conclusion that the other just said 'hey' as a formality since Yoongi doesn't say anything and proceeds to ignore him completely. He pouts again because of the thought. First, his coffee Then second, his indifferent neighbor.

So much for thinking that he's gonna make friends with his hot neighbor. He feels downright irritated. He turns his head and stares at Yoongi without trying to conceal it this time.

"Can I ask you a question?"

Finally, Yoongi stares right back at him with his eyebrows drawn together. "Yeah? Shoot."

"No, nevermind. You'll think I'm judging you, which I'm not, by the way. I'm just curious, but it's fine if you don't answer. It's a ridiculous question anyway-"

"Just say it. I won't mind since you look like you've been judging me from start," Yoongi cuts him off and takes another puff on his cigarette. He chuckles a bit, even more so when Namjoon's facial expression and the tone of his voice turns defensive.

"What? No, I'm not! When did I ever do that?"

"I'm kidding. Geez, stop worrying too much. Come on, ask me," he says.

He exhales again, the smoke traveling to Namjoon's direction. Namjoon's face contorts when the smoke slightly tickles his nostrils. He wrinkles his nose and blows air on his mouth as if he's fighting the smoke back that came from Yoongi himself.

"Why do you smoke?" Namjoon looks at him with confusion written all over his face.

Yoongi knows Namjoon is genuinely asking without meaning to degrade him, knows it just pure curiosity.

"The same reason why you're drinking your coffee," he responds.

Namjoon looks down on his Ryan coffee mug. He sort of expected Yoongi's answer to be not quite an answer so he just shrugs. He glances at the pale young man. "Do you even know the reason why I drink coffee?"

Yoongi copies his gesture and also shrugs. "I dunno. I wouldn't be interested unless it holds some deep philosophical meaning." Yoongi gives Namjoon a lopsided grin.

"Unfortunately, it's not that deep. I just love the scent more than the taste itself," Namjoon says. "I know it's weird but I don't like drinking coffee sometimes. I just smell it to calm my nerves."

"So you don't like coffee then? At least not wholly."

"Not that I don't like it. I just prefer the smell more. I still drink it, you know. I love coffee."

"But you just said that you don't like drinking it sometimes."

"That doesn't mean I don't like it. I have certain moods that I like in some days and I don't on other days. It still doesn't mean that I don't like it," Namjoon explains as he starts to get exasperated.

"You're complicated," Yoongi deadpans.

Namjoon's jaw drops at his neighbor's comment. He can't believe the audacity of this guy. "I should be the one interrogating you, not the other way around! And come to think of it, you haven't answered me yet!"

Yoongi smirks and he puts the cigarette butt on the ashtray that's on top of the small table on the corner of his balcony. He blatantly ignores Namjoon and goes inside his apartment.

Namjoon shakes his head and sulks more while looking at the blinking city lights. He looks up and searches for stars in the night sky. Fortunately for him, a few twinkling stars were laughing at him from above. He blushes and takes a sip on his bitter coffee.

And I'm supposed to be the complicated one?

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