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{A/n: Hey everyone Roach here with a new story. I hope you guys enjoy this story.  DISCLAIMER: I DO NOT own Assassin's Creed!}

*November 30, 1524, Republic of Florence, Italy*

My name is Ezio Auditore De Ferenze. I have lived on this Earth for 65 years and when I died I died peacefully knowing that my beloved wife Sofia and my daughter Flavia and son Marcello were safe and sound. My eyes drifted closed as my mind went blank, however I then felt a bright light enter my eyes and I opened them and looked around to see I was in a completely white room. "What?! Where am I?" I said in bewilderment and then noticed an old man with a long white beard sitting at a table. "I shall explain everything to you but first please take a seat." He said motioning to a chair at the table. I looked at him then at the chair then back at him but made my way over to the chair and sat down. "Who are you if you don't mind my asking?" I said as I sat down. The man smiled kindly at me and nods. "I do not mind. You may call me Apollo." The man said and I raised an eyebrow. "Apollo? The Greek god of wisdom?" I asked and he chuckled softly and shook his head. "Not exactly. My name is something else but no mortal can know my true name so I used one from your world." The man said and I looked at him confused. "What do you mean by my world?" I asked. 

"Well you see I am a god who governs over another world. I brought you here from your world known as Earth. However I have no authority over your world." Apollo explained and I looked at him and shook my head. "I have no clue what you mean!" I replied and he chuckled softly. "I shall explain a bit better. To put it simply you have died in your world and your soul was going to disappear to where the souls of the dead go but I snagged your soul and brought you into my domain." The man said and I tilt my head confused. "So I am dead?" I asked and he nodded. "Yes." He replied simply. "Then why am I here?" I asked the man and he sighed. "Because I need someone with your type of abilities and skills!" He explained and I raised an eyebrow. "And what do you mean by that?" I asked him. "Well you see there's a group in my world known as the Black Order. They're very similar to the Templars you faced in your lifetime in your world." He explained and I nodded slightly. "I see. So these guys are very dangerous huh?" I asked and he nodded. "Yes. However unlike your world they have been gaining power quite quickly and are being supported by another god who wants the world we govern to be shaped in her image. To put it simply she wants to completely destroy free will." Apollo told me and I sighed softly and rubbed my head. "Isn't there someone else you could ask this of?" I asked and he sighed softly. "To tell you the truth it's very hard to pull souls from another world who are traveling into the afterlife into my domain. I've tried with several other members of your order but you're the first one I have succeeded in pulling into here!" Apollo explained and I nodded. I don't really understand what he means but I get what he's saying. I thought to myself.

Apollo then stood up and walked around to me and got on his hands and knees and put his forehead to the ground. "Please help me with this! I have no one else I can ask this of!" He said and I was taken aback by this. A supposed god was on his hands and knees begging me for my help. I let out a sigh and nod. "Alright. Alright, I'll help!" I told him and he smiled and shook my hand. "Thank you, thank you so much!" He replied to me and I nod. "It's no big deal. Now please tell me more about this supposed other world!" I said and he nodded and what looked like a globe appeared on the table in front of me. "This is the what the world looks like. It's known as Gaia." He told me as I looked at it. It looked similar to Earth but the continents were completely different. "It's very similar to your world but very different as well. For starters there are more then 1 race on this planet. There are of course Humans but there's also races known as Elves, Dwarves, Beastman, and another race known as the Daemons but despite their name the Daemons are actually quite peaceful. There are also powerful creatures like Dragons and Hydras as well." Apollo told me and I raised an eyebrow. "This all sounds like fantasy to me!" I replied and he chuckled softly. "Keep in mind Mr. Auditore that this world is very different from the one you're used too." He told me and I nodded. "Anyway, The inhabitants of this world are capable of using a power known as magic that they use to fight monsters and/or wars against each other." Apollo told me. "Magic?" I asked and he nodded. "Yes. Do not worry I shall give you the knowledge of how it works before I send you to the world so you will be on even footing with the other inhabitants!" Apollo explained and I nodded.

Apollo then spent several long minutes telling me about the planet of Gaia and once he was done he started getting ready to send me there. "So now that I've told you everything let's get you set up to head there." He said and I nodded slightly. "First off let's start by giving you a body of when you were in your prime." He told me before holding out his hand and a white light shown. I looked in a mirror and saw that I was now about 17 to 20 years old again. "Next let's give you equipment your familiar with." He said snapping his fingers and a chest appeared. I raised an eyebrow and he smiled and motioned for me to open it so I did. Inside were my old assassin robes from when I was in Rome and my weapons so I put them on and put my weapons into their stored areas. Apollo then approached me and placed his hand on my head and I looked at him confused. "Next up is giving you the knowledge of magic. I'm sorry if you feel any discomfort from this!" He told me and then his hand glowed and I felt a slight painful tingle in my head but after he removed his hand I realized I knew how the Magic of the world worked and I could use it as I see fit. "Now that you're all set let's send you off." He said pointing his hand to me. "Ezio Auditore De Ferenze! Thank you for agreeing to help me save the world of Gaia!" He told me and I nod. "You're welcome Apollo!" I told him and he smiled kindly at me and suddenly my vision turned white.

{And done with the first chapter. I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter! Please tell me what you guys think of this fanfic! Until the next update!}

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