Chapter 3

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{A/n: Hey everyone Roach here with another story. I hope you guys are enjoying this story! DISCLAIMER: I DO NOT own Assassin's Creed!}

After talking to Rowan and the others I had decided to interrogate the Bandit leader while Siegmund's carriages are being repaired. The bandit leader was still unconscious when I set him down against a tree. Akasha had followed me and looked at the bandit leader. "So why exactly are you wanting to talk to this bandit Ezio?" She asked me and I pulled out the letter. "I found this on him when I was searching him earlier!" I told her handing her the letter and she raised an eyebrow and took the letter from me and looked at it. The letter was from an Archduke named Elias Richards. On the letter was the emblem of the Black Order and the letter was telling this bandit leader to kill Siegmund and his family and leave no survivors. Akasha looked at the Bandit leader. "So he works for the Black Order then huh?" Akasha said and I nod. "Seems that way. How about we get it from his own words though?" I said before I kicked the guy in the gut. "Wake up!?" I said and he started coughing as he woke up. "*Cough, cough* What the hell?!" He said as he fell over from the pain of me kicking him and then realized he was tied up. "Who the hell are you guys?! When my men get here you and that bitch are going to regret it!" He said trying to intimidate us. Akasha glared and stomped on the Bandit's family jewels very hard. The Bandit yelped in pain and tears welled up in his eyes. "Watch who you call a bitch little man! As for your men their all dead thanks to my friend here so no one's coming to save you!" She said glaring at him and he looked up at her in fear now. Damn! Akasha sure can be scary when she wants to be! I'll have to watch myself around her! I thought to myself.

I look at the Bandit leader and helped him sit up. "Sorry for my friend. Now why don't you tell me about this Archduke Elias?" I asked and the man looked at me. "I have no clue who that is? I don't give a damn about any of those nobles!" The Bandit said and Akasha showed him the letter I found. "This letter we found on you while you were napping speaks otherwise!" Akasha said and the man's face paled slightly. "I-I took that off some merchant I robbed the other day!" The Bandit leader said but it was kinda obvious that he was lying. "Then why doesn't it say that he wants you to rob someone huh?" Akasha said and he tried coming up with an excuse but couldn't. "Enough pretending to be dumb! Tell us about the Black Order!" I told him grabbing him the collar and pressing my hidden blade against his face. "Or else I'll have to start cutting!" I told him as I pressed the tip against his blade.  "Look I don't know anything and Archduke Elias is not apart of the Black Order! I swear!" He said in fear then his face went even paler. "Oh no! What have I done?!" He said as purple lightning started coursing across his body. "Ezio get away from him!" Akasha said and pulled me away from the bandit. "Master Elias! Please forgive me! I don't want to die!?" The Bandit said before purple lightning made of magic surged through the bandit and frying his body to a crisp.  The air was filled with the smell of burnt flesh and the Bandit's scorched body stayed in it's original position. Not much of the bandit's clothing remained after the lightning fried the man alive.

Akasha noticed a strange marking on the bandit's chest and walked over to the dead Bandit and pulled out a knife and cut off the remains of his shirt. "A Curse seal!" Akasha said. "Curse seal?" I asked as I walked over to her and she nodded. "Yes. It's a seal that inscribes on the bearers soul and they cannot go against it or else they will die! Not only that it allows the one who placed the curse to trigger it whenever they please as well!" Akasha explained and I clenched my fist in anger. Forcing people to do what they want or else they'll die! These people are horrible! I thought to myself. Suddenly I looked closer at the symbol on the Bandit's chest. It was a skull with a chain wrapped around it and the chain went into the eye socket of it and it was wrapped in a circle of thorns. Amanda and Eliza ran over. "Are you two okay?" Amanda asked. "We sensed curse magic and came over!" Eliza said as they walked up. "Ugh! What is that smell?" Amanda said and then they both noticed the body. "Oh my gosh!" Amanda said. "What the hell happened here?!" Eliza asked. "This Bandit's boss had placed a curse seal on him. Apparently the Bandit accidentally triggered it when answering our questions!" Akasha explained and the two mages nodded and frowned. "That is really messed up! What kind of scum bag uses Curse seals?" Eliza said. "Curse seals have been banned by the Magic Council for nearly 150 years now! I should inform them of this!" Amanda added. The Magic counsel might be controlled by the Black Order! We should keep their sights off of us for now! I said to Akasha who explained to me earlier that this is a magic skill called telepathy.

Telepathy was useful but it's range is very short. You can only communicate with someone about 5 feet away from you and that's it. Akasha nodded. "Actually Amanda we're trying to track down a criminal at the moment and if you inform the Magic counsel it could let him know we're after him. Would it be possible to hold off on informing them for now?" Akasha asked her and she frowned. "Normally it'd be important to inform them immediately of this but if it can get the one behind it locked up to then I have no problem waiting a little bit longer!" Amanda replied and Eliza nodded in agreement. The four of us then returned to the carriages but the repairs were still underway. I approached them. "Do you need a hand?" I asked and they looked at each other then back at me. "Sure! An extra hand would make things go faster!" Rowan said and I nodded and started helping them. I was with Kale so I decided to strike up a conversation. "So Kale you said something about looking for your parents in the Emerald City. Did you and your sister get separated from them?" I asked and he frowned and nods and that's when Garius entered the conversation. "Their village was attacked by slave traders and their parents along with most of their tribe were captured and brought to Emerald city to be sold off!" Garius explained and Kale looked at me. "I plan to do everything I can do to rescue them!" Kale said with determination. I frowned and put my hand on his shoulder. Due to us being close in height it was easy for him to look me in the eyes. "Kale wanting to rescue your parents and tribe is honorable but that won't get you far! It'll only get you killed!" I told him and he frowned. "But I have to do something!" Kale replied and I smiled at him. "There's nothing wrong with asking for assistance! Even for someone as young as you! It shows that you are mature enough to know when you need help!" I told him and he nodded and then realized something before looking at me. "Are you saying you'll help free my parents?!" He asked and I smiled. "Well since you asked so nicely! Of course I'll help you and your sister!" I told him and he smiled at me. "Thank you so much Ezio!" He replied and waved my hand dismissively. "Thank nothing of it!" I replied and he smiled and nodded.

{And done with another chapter! I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter! Until the next update!}

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