Chapter 2

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{A/n: Hey everyone Roach here with another chapter. DISCLAIMER: I DO NOT own Assassin's Creed!}

I had just finished up tying up the Bandit leader as I wanted to get some answers from him when one of the adventurers approached me. "You saved us. I'm eternally thankful for that!" He said bowing slightly. "My name is Rowan Hightower a C Class Adventurer from Emerald City." He said introducing himself to me and I nodded. "A pleasure to meet you. I am Ezio Auditore." I replied introducing myself and he smiled and nodded. "A pleasure to meet you as well. Allow me to introduce my friends as well. The man with the spear is my party's spearman Raymond. The guy with the daggers is Adam my party's thief. The two mages over their are our teams magic users and healers. The one in purple is Eliza and the girl with in white is Amanda. While the last girl with the bow is Trish." Rowan explained and I nodded and looked at everyone. Now that their were no bandits in the way I got a good look at everyone. Rowan seemed to be in his late 20s to early 30s and has brown hair that went down to just above his shoulders. His eyes were an orange color which I found a little odd but I shrugged it off. He has a well built physique and seemed to have done a lot of fighting in his time. Raymond looks to be around Rowan's age and  has short dark black hair and brown eyes with a very muscular physique. Adam is a blonde haired young man in his early 20s. He has crimson red eyes and a white bandanna tied around his head to keep his hair out of the way. Eliza is in her late 20s and has long red hair and dark green eyes and was wearing a purple dress with a leather chest plate. Amanda is in her early 20s and has long blonde hair tied into a ponytail with light pink eyes and was wearing a white dress. Trish is an elf who looks to be in her teens but is actually about 45 years of age. She has long light brown hair and green eyes and was holding a bow with her quiver on her back hanging from her belt around her waist.

The merchant then approached me. "You saved my family! You have my deepest thanks! If you're ever in Emerald city and are in need of supplies come by my shop and I'll give you a great deal!" The Merchant said to me and I nodded. "Of course but that's not necessary." I said and he looked at me. "Of course it's necessary! My darling daughter Olivia and my lovely wife Margaret would have been at the mercy of those disgusting bandits if it wasn't for you!?" He replied to me and I nodded. "I never caught your name by the way." I said to him and he nodded. "Oh right! Where are my manners? I am Siegmund Frazer a Merchant from the Emerald City." Siegmund told me and I nodded. "A pleasure to meet you." I said and then the dwarf and the two Beastmen siblings walked over. "My, my! That was quite an impressive display! My name is Garius, I'm a Blacksmith from the Dwarven Kingdom!" Garius told me. Garius is a Dwarf who is up to my hips and has dark gray hair and beard and has dark brown eyes and has a large axe on his back. I go to shake his hand. "It's nice to meet you Garius." I said but instead of shaking my hand he grabbed my wrists and started examining the hidden blades on my wrists. "Hmmm the design of these things is quite unique. A sectioned blade that is spring loaded strong enough to slice and puncture bodies. Oh the left one has additional attachments as well! Hmm a small blade that has a hollow channel. Possibly for delivering poisons! And this other mechanism looks like a magic cannon but the size of a palm. Quite interesting!" He said as he looked over my hidden blades. "Umm Mister Auditore! You're such a strong fighter but why did you leave that last bandit alive?" The Beastmen boy asked me and I looked at him. "Oh well you see I want him to answer some questions is all!" I replied to him after I got my arms back from Garius. "So who might you two be?" I asked the twins. "Oh I'm Kale and this is my sister Mona. We're going to the Emerald city to find our parents!" Kale told me and I nodded. "Well I hope you find them." I replied and he smiled slightly and nodded.

Then the robed elf girl walked over. "I must say your magic skills are quite interesting. I haven't encountered many capable of doing the things you are!" She said to me and I looked at her. "Thank you. And who might you be?" I asked her and she smiled. "My apologies. I am Cierra. I'm an elf mage from the Elf Capital city." She told me and I nodded. "Nice to meet you Cierra." I replied. Akasha then walked over. "And I am Akasha. It's a pleasure to meet all of you!" Akasha said and they nodded. Siegmund then looked at his carriages. "It's going to take a few hours to repair the damaged carriages. Say Ezio if you don't mind waiting we'd be more then happy to let you two ride back to Emerald city with us!" Siegmund said and I nod. "Of course. A ride to town would be much appreciated!" I replied and they nodded. "Great! Sounds wonderful!" Siegmund replied. I then looked at the Bandit leader. "While the carriages are being repaired I'm going to handle another matter." I said picking up the bandit leader and they nodded and made no effort to stop me. Akasha followed me as I walked away from them. "Daddy why is Mr. Ezio taking that man away?" I heard Olivia say to her Siegmund. "It's something a young lady like yourself shouldn't be worried about!" Siegmund replied to his daughter.

{And done with another chapter. I hope you guys enjoyed this story! Until the next update!}

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