Chapter three

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Chapter 3

Harry grabbed my hand and we ran offstage back to the dressing rooms. "Wait!" I said stopping. Harry looked back at me, a pained look in his eyes. "No, Harry not that. I will go with you. It's just, I'm Kelsie's ride home, and I kind of promised her we would skype with her dad tonight..." His pain turned to a thinking look. "I'll go out to the parking lot and do something to your car, then when you start it and it doesn't work, you can call Lou, we'll come out there and offer you a ride home. I'll comment on how late it is, and offer you guys to stay with us. I'm sure the boys won't mind." He explained his idea. I thought it over in my mind a few times, it could work. "Or, I could just tell Kelsie I'm getting laid tonight and she has to drive my car home." His eyes widened. I laughed and squezzed his hand. "Kidding, kidding. Let's go with our idea." I rolled those gorgous eyes of his and continued to the dressing rooms, pulling me alongside him.

"There you are, we were getting worried." Kelsie wriggled her eyebrows at me. I stuck my tounge out at her. "Well boys, I wish we could stay longer, but the gaurds will be shoving us to the curb if we don't leave now." Kelsie nodded and stood up. "Wait, where's Hazza?" Lou asked me. "He said he had to..use the bathroom. Went down that other hallway." I pretended to think about it, as if trying to remember what Harry had told me. "oh, ok." Louis smiled. "It was great meeting you ladies. You better text me." he pointed his finger at us. "Yes sir." Kelsie and I chirpped in sync. We said goodbyes then headed out to the parking lot. "I wish I would have gotten a chance to say bye to Harry." Kelsie pouted. I papped her head. "It'll be fine bunny boo-boo. Who knows, we may get to see them again." I said, my eyes scanning the empty lot for signs of Harry. "Maybe your right." She smiled sweetly.

I put the key in the ignittion and twisted, only hearing a discouraging noise come from my engine. "That does not soud good." Kelsie commented. "I knew this was an older car, but I didn;t think it was this messed up." Playing along I checked the gagues in the dash for any problems, smiling secretly when I saw the check engine liget was on. "Damn it, I'll go check it out." "Tatum this isn't a race car, the engine is different, what makes you think you could fix it?" My friend said annoyed. I pouted. "I can at least find out whats wrong, a car is still a car." I said pushing the button that popped the hood. I steped out and went to the front of the car, looking over the dirtied car parts. "Why would he do that." I groaned aloud lamming the hood down. "Kels, my radiator tank has been slashed, must've been a jealous fan or something." She groaned from the car and stompped her way next to me. "Can we drive with it like that?" "Not if I don't want radiator fluid leaking everywhere, and potentionaly ruining my car." "Then what do we do?" "Find some duct tape and patch it, then have it towed to a shop. That's all we can do." She pulled out her phone. "I wonder if Lou knows where we can find some around here." I smirked, she took the bait.

The boys had joined us outside, Liam was helping me patch up the long gash across the side of my radiator, while Niall helped Kels call a tow. "I wonder who did this to you guys. It's not like this is a bad aera." Liam said worriedly. I laughed."It's Dallas hun, everywhere here is bad." He nodded going back to the group. "How are we going to get home now?" Kelsie cried. "We can call a cab." Lousi suggusted. "Dallas baby, no taxi's here." I said boredly. "Then we can drive you guys." Niall said happily. "That'd be awesome. Thanks so much." I flashed a smile his way. "But, we live 3 towns over, it'd take at least 2 hours to get there. I don't want to put you guys through that." Kelsie said helplessly. Thank you kelsie! Her independant ways have saved the day once again. "Yeah, and it's really late, why don't we just take them to a hotel?" Harry winked at me. All according to plan. "Actually, now that you mention it, there's some open rooms at our hotel. I'm sure you guys could stay there. And we could pay for the rooms if you can't." Liam said caringly, wow, he is a daddy direction. "Thank you so much." I hugged him tightly in thanks. Yeah, it means a lot." Kelsie added.

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