Chapter Four

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Chapter 4

"Let me love you." He cooed gently into my ear. He held me against his chest, I had long since stopped crying, yet now I refused to talk or look at him. I sighed, finally giving in as he whispered the same words for the umteenth time. "How can you want to love me, when you don't know my middle name? My Moms name, siblings, favorite color, age, address, hell do you even remember my last name?" "Tatum Mori. I know your a dancer, and that you get embarressed easily, and when your embarressed you don't just blush like most girls, you get angry at yourself and you have this adorable little pout on your face as you run your fingers through your hair. I know that you like playing hide and seek, your favorite band is One Direction, you have a beautiful personality that goes smashingly with your charm and beauty. Your light on your feet and have quick wits. I know that your supposed to wear glasses, I can see your contacts, and I'm guessing your eyes are actually Hazel or brown, considering the blue on the contacts keeps changing. You also have a birthmark shaped like a strawberry on you right thigh, right here." He smirked and poked the spot where my birthmark was placed, just like my sisters. A sharp intake of air was my response to his touch. "As far as your favorites go, I'm going to go with my best guesses. For color, I'm going with Blue, mostly becaue of the eyes. For food, I'm guessing you like all kinds, you have nice tastebuds." He winked. I bit my lips and blushed. "Age.."He trailed off lines creasing his forehead. "I'm going to go with 17 and a half, I picture you with a summer birthday. I can't really guess any of your family stuff but, if they left you, I'd rather not meet them, they sound dreadfull. And you haven't given me an address, yet. I would however certianly like one soon." I starred at him shocked and speachless, he got everything right. My favorite color, my contacts, my real eye color, my birthmark, my age, even when my birthday was! How could he guess all of this. "How did you figure all of that out?" He shrugged. "I just thought about it. I mean, people are easy to read whenever you pay enough attention to them. I payed extra attention to you today." His methods are crazy, but his voice was like melted honey, soothing me. "You are insane." I whispered. "Pretty much." He laughed. I smiled a small smile up at him. "Okay my turn to guess." He shook his head, ruffeling his curls. "It wouldn't be fair, you know all the answers. You read them in a magazine." I nodded in agreement. "Then tell me stuff I couldn't read in a magazine." "Only if you answer all my questions." "Deal." I kissed him softly.

"What's your mom's name?" "April. My Dad's is Michael." "Siblings?" "I have 2 older sisters and one older brother. The oldest is Megan, she's 22, then there's Christa, she's 20. My brother James is 19." "What do you do for a living?" "I used to work on my family's farm but, luckily I got away. I have a small business with Kelsie, we run a free daycare center out of our local church." He raised an eyebrow. "A church girl huh? Didn't see that one coming." I chuckled. "I'm not like most. My dad used to be the pastor, so I was a little preacher's kid, and everyone expected me to be perfect. So I did everything in my power to be the worst, as far from perfect as possible. But, when I met Kelsie, we kind of recreated ourselves. I'm not a super church-ey girl. But I do believe in god and I get up at 6am on sundays to go watch little kids whose parents won't let them sit through services." He laughed. "A little preacher's kid. You are full of surprises. Next question, why do you like kids so much?" "Because, when I was younger, people always payed more attention to my siblings. They had good grades, played sports, were good at everything. So I tried to be better then them, but that only made my parents expect more from me, so that's when I 'rebeled' and did all the wrong things. I didn't want other kids to go through that, so I decided to do what I could to help them." He ran his fingers through my hair and rubbed my scalp. "You are amazing." I giggled. "I try." "Now, what's your favorite sport?" "Soccer. It's not stupid like football, and it's not stupid like baseball. Now I can stand baseball, and sometimes put up with football. But my favorites are soccer and hockey. Hockey has so much violence it's funny to watch." I laughed softly. "You are so weird, and amazing. Perfect balance of the 2." "Yeah, yeah. Now my turn for questions." "Go on then."

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