Chapter one

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Chapter 1

"Tatum? What the hell is this?"

I pulled my hair back, then let it fall around my shoulders again. I just couldn't decide how to fix my curly mess of black hair.

"I thought it was a good idea at the time..."

I tugged the hem of my shorts down, making them more comfortable on my hips. "Kelise are you ready yet?" I called to the bathroom across the hall.

"Should we keep it?"

"I'm almost done, just finishing my hair." She shouted back. "Well hurry, we have to be at the concert grounds at noon!"

"How should I know?"

I held the passes in my hand. Delux backstage passes to the One Direction, Dallas Texas concert. We get to go backstage before the concert, and sit front row, and go backstage after the show.

"I won't leave."

The engine started as I turned the key, I backed out of the driveway and made my way to Dallas. We live 3 towns over from Dallas, and it's an hour drive there.


"I wonder if the boys will think I'm cute?" Kelsie gushed checking her makeup in the mirror. I laughed. "You kidding? We mean nothing to them, just some small town girls. They won't even ask our names."

"What should we name it?"

An hour later we pulled into the parking lot, cars lined the rows and the screams of fans could be heard. "I wonder how many people have these passes?" Kelsie pondered. "Who knows, my grandma won them in a contest. But they must be expensive." I said getting the posters out of the trunk.

"Are we still pretending?"

We flashed the passes to the gaurd, he smiled at us and let us through the gates, leading us to the backstage. "JUst wait here, the boys should be out soon, then they'll show you around the stage." The guard said. Kelsie looked around curiously. "Are we the only one's here?" The gaurd nodded. "It's the delux package. There's only one set, and they were given at the raido contest. Congrats." "Thank you grandma." I laughed.

We waited a few minutes, and then heard that magical laughter. "Shut up Boo Bear." I could feel the scream building in my throat, but, I knew the rules. They're just people, just like me,...right? Goodness that laugh. Niall Horan, Harry Styles, Liam Payne, Zayn Malik, Louis Tomlinsion, are right behind that corner. And are going to show me and my best friend around.

"Hey, I'm Harry." He reached a hand out to me. I grabbed it gently, and shook his hand. "Tatum Mori." "I'm Kelsie Sloan." Kelsie said in a flirty tone. I rolled my eyes, but could keep my eyes away from the hand wrapped around mine for long. It was like touching fire. So many tingles running through my fingers and up my arm. Harry pulled his hand back, smile still in place. "Niall." The blond smiled. Not being able to control myself. I jumped him. Wrapping my legs around his waist in a hug. "Sorry." I shouted not letting go. "It's just that you deserve hugs too." He laughed and pat my back. "Thanks I guess." I introduced myself to the rest of the boys, hugging them and just smiling at them. It's amazing.

"Is it a secret anymore?"

They showed us around the dressing rooms, backstage, and even let us go onstage. Kelise had her phone out, snapping pictures for her to upload to twitter later. I starred at the stage, fasinated, it had to be 30 feet long, and at least 15 feet wide. The floor was made of a black gloss coated wood, not a single imperfection on it's surface. The instruments had yet to be set up, so what could the harm be? I looked around, the bos were preoccupied by Kelsie playing gutiar with Niall. "Here's my chance." I nudged my TOMS off with my feet, setting my drawstring backpack down next to them. I listened as Kelsie started strumming the intro of WMYB, counting the scales in my head, I timed the move, and went for it, letting my sock clad feet slide gracefully across the floor. I pulled my leg back flipping my body in a twist, landing on my hands and falling into a backbend walkover, when I regained my footing, I started my train of back handsprings. 6 in a row should fit the stage. Landing in time with the music, I fell to a split, bending my back leg to touch the back of my head. I rolled myself into a standing position and leaped back to my starting point.

Lost in my own mind, I failed to notice the lack of music and chatter. Pulling myself away from my thoughts, I turned back to the group with a blush. "Sorry" I mumbled, I plopped myself next to my shoes and slid them on, putting my bag over my shoulder as well. "That's embarrasing. I just wanted to use the stage, it's so flawless, it's a dream of mine to dance on a stage this nice and I just wanted-." I stopped myself. "Maybe I should go, and just have Kelsie meet me at the seats later. Uh yeah that's what I'm going with." I turned and stalked off the stage quickly. God that was embarrasing. I just made myself look like a total freak infront of One Direction. If it had been anyone else on the planet, I'd have been fine with it.

I rounded the corner to the exit but a voice called me back. "Wait just a second." I spun on my heel, annoyed that I had made such a fool of myself. "What? Anything else you'd like to say? Like how much of a freak I am or something like that." Harry, apparently being the one who followed, shook his head. "No, and just because someone is admiring your artwork doesn't make you a freak. We actually have a lot in common, our body's are our art." "Your's looks a lot better then mine." I muttered half heartedly under my breath. He scoffed. "I really don't understand girls like you, can't you just take a compliment and be happy with it? Instead of getting all defensive and beating yourselves down. Seriously! It's fucking annoying." I laughed. "Most girls do it because they want more attention, they want you to say it more and give them more compliemnts, I just don't give a fuck."

"Come with me."

He smirked. "I knew there was a reason I liked you. Your different, so very different." His eyes took their fill, looking me up and down. I rolled my eyes. "Something tells me you'll be wearing a beanie tomorrow morning." He leaned forward and winked. "Yupp, and you'll be putting it on my head." "Of course I will." I leaned against the wall exasperated and tired. "This is a crazy a hell day." "Your tellin' me."

Harry went back to the boys, and I waited by the exit for Kelsie. Once she was ready, we left for the booths, a row of booths lined the outskirts of the concert grounds, people where selling t-shirts, bracelets, and other one direction gear. "Let's get matching shirts!" Kelsie squealed running off towards a booth. I followed at my own pace, then picked out the shirts. The conversation with Harry still buzzing around in my mind. "Could he really want to sleep with me?" "What's on your mind wifey?" Kelise asked. I shook my head. "Nothing, just excited for the concert." "YAY! Their going to play LWWY! It's going to be epic!" "Yeah, the best." I smiled.

The concert started shortly after, and let's just say, it was the coolest thing ever. When the boys came on stage Niall was jumping around and giving highfives, Louis did an epic hip thrust, Zayn was dancing terribly, Harry was screaming and running in a large circle, and Liam was highfiving fans and threw some t-shirts. They started off with 'Up all night' then worked through the album, then did campfire songs. Before the next song Harry calmed the crowd and started talking. "So, this next song was the first song of ours to make it big. And tonight, I'd like to dedicate it to 2 important people tonight. The winners of the delux tickets. Amber and Kelsie!" People cheered, some booed, but I was just pure shocked. Harry Styles, just dedicated a song to me. Live on stage. Kelsie squealed at the top of her lungs, grabbing and shaking my shoulders. I kept my eyes on that curly head of hair, his eyes twinkling with mischief and amusment. God, why is he so beautiful? And why did it have to be me, at some meet and greet, raido contest winner, who embarrased herself infront of her favorite band. When the music started, that clasic cowbell, and Liam's voice.

After WMYB, they continued with songs from the album. To finish the show, Liam announced they were singing LWWY. Even though I only knew half the words, I sang at the top of my lungs. Loving the atmosphere, the place, the lights, the mood. This was perfect.


so this was chapter one. I hope you like this story :) and just to let you know, it's been said that when one of the boys wears a beanie, the got laid the night before. Soooo yeah, figured I'd use that and run with it.....If you don't like the idea, it's not that big a deal to the story, so don't think it will effect anything, it was just something I figured I'd throw in there for fun :)

Thanks for reading :)

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