Chapter Thirteen

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Chapter 13

We pulled into Texas city around 6am, I was on the verge of falling asleep, and Juilya, who was lucky enough to get some sleep, was wide awake. "Let's pull into a hotel. You look beat." I would have glared over my shoulder at Harry if I had the power to actually will myself to do that. But, he was right, I'm almost half way to being a zombie. "Okay. Let's pull in at the next one. I have to call Megan anyways." Harry chuckled. "You haven't talked to her yet?" "Didn't really have anything to say yet. Figured I'd get to that when I got here."

We drove another mile into town and pulled into a Holiday inn and suites. Harry grabbed the bags and I got Juilya, we checked in and got a room. I pushed the hotel room door open and tossed the one bag I had carried on the floor. "Whose ready for some sleep." I said excitedly jumping on the bed with her in my arms. Harry chuckled and set the bags down on the table by the window, then joined me on the bed. "Is it nap time already?" He reached for her, and surprisingly she reached back. He took her into his arms and she instantly giggled and cuddled into his touch. "I can not believe she likes you. She barely likes Kelsie." He laughed. "I am her dad." I nodded and leaned my head on his shoulder. "Yes. Yes you are." This whole thing with Harry was going better then I could have ever imagined or dreamed. Harry leaned over and kissed my forehead. "go change and get some sleep." I nodded tiredly and stood up, grabbed my pj's out of my duffle bag and went into the bathroom to change. I put on my fluffy pants and spongebob t-shirt, then walked back to the bed. Harry was in a pair of boxer shorts and Juliya was in a little onese. "Awah daddy changed you." I cooed taking Juilya from Harry and cuddling her. "Well yeah. I change Lux all the time." I kicked him playfully in the shin. "Just let me be happy and adore you." Harry stood up and pulled back the covers, I crawled in and brought Juilya with me, Harry clambered in next to us. "I usually don't let her sleep with me." "Why not?" He quextioned. "It's dangerous. I could roll over and kill her if I'm not careful. So if I'm alone, I put her in her crib. But, your here. So It's different." I smiled and pecked his lips. He chuckled. "Is it going to be like last time? We have great history when staying at hotels together." I gasped and bluhed. "Harry! Hush." "Awah come on you know I love you." He wrapped his arms around Juilya and I pulling us closer to his chest. "Get some sleep." "Gladly."

"Shhh, mumma's sleepin." Harry's husky voice whispered. I tiredly opened my eyes and looked around the room. Harry was sitting at the small table holding a fussy Juilya. The sun was low in the sky shinning through the window behind him, showing it was mid afternoon. "She's too awake. Just put her on the floor so she can crawl around for a bit." I spoke grogily. He nodded with a smile and set her on the floor, she quickly sped off towards the mirror on the wall. "Look, she's just like Zayn. Can't stop looking at herself." I joked tiredly. Harry came back over and snuggled in next to me on the bed. "Are we going to find your sister today?" I sighed heavily. I really want to see her again, but what is she going to think of me? "If you don't want to see her it's okay, we can just walk around town for a while and hang out. Then we can decide later." I cuddled closer to Harry. "You always know what to say." "I try."

After a shower and some breakfsast, we got back in the car and drove to town. We wandered the sidewalks, and winding paths, going into stores, a coffee shop, and even getting our pictures professionaly made. "These are perfect." I gawked at the unedited protraits displayed on the computer monitor. "I have a special for new families, I can give you 8wallet, 2 5x7, 1 8x10, and a fold out photo book. All for 195." The photograper was really sweet, he was kind of chubby around the waist, but had a great smile. Harry nodded. "We'll take your deal. But do you think I can get an extra 8x10? I'd like one for my mum." My eyes widened and I starred at Harry. He's tellin his mum? I grabbed his hand under the table and tugged. "Can you excuse us for a moment, I need to talk to him about some things." The man looked back and forth between us confused. "I suppose so, I'll be in the studio when your finished." he stood and left. Once the door shut I looked over to Harry. "Your telling your mom?" "Well yeah. I have a baby, I'm not, not going to tell her." "HARRY! Your famous. If you tell your mom there's a chance of everybody finding out about her, and us! What happens then?" His eyebrows rose in confusion. "Do you not want people to know about us?" "No! I want people to know, but i think we should know what we are before we tell anyone." "That seems smart." He sighed looking at the floor. I pulled his chin up with my fingers. "Harry Styles. I love you. I love you so much. But neither of us are sure if now is the right time to be having a romantic relationship. Once we figure all of this out, I want to tell the world how much I love you. I want everyone to know just how much you mean to me." I leaned in a pecked his lips softly. "Better?" I asked when I pulled away. "Yeah. Better. But I still have to tell my mum." I sighed and held his hands. "Okay, we can do it tonight by skype."

The photographer came back in and we ordered the pictures, he told us they'd be ready tomorrow and we could come pick them up then. Harry and I decided to head back to the hotel afterwards, it was getting late anyways. On the way back he texted his mom and told her to get ready to skype, that it was super important. She agreed, he told her he'd be on in 20 minutes. "What are we going to tell her?" I asked. "I'll start, I'll talk to her and say I met this awesome girl. Then you come in and we explain ourselves." "Seems like a plan." "Seems like it."

Back at the hotel, Juilya fell asleep right away while Harry set up the skype call. I laid on the bed storking Juilya's hair and playing with her fingers as she slept. I am so nervous. What if she gets pissed, what if she hates us? Or just me. What if she tells Harry he can never see me again? "Hey mum."

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