Chapter six

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I dropped the girls off at shcool the next morning and headed back home. When I got there Kelsie had already left for school, but there was a note on the counter.

Did you seriously have to make the poor boy cry? I got a call from Louis last night saying you had basically forced Harry into breaking up with you when he clearly didn't want to. I was this close to telling him you were pregnant, but I remembered you didn't want anyone to know. You shoud reconsider talking to Harry, maybe date him, but just not tell him about the baby. I don't know, just something, because Louis said he won't talk to anyone and he's moping around. I bet it's annoying. So just call Harry and fix this. Maybe skype him and explain why you don't like dating...or boys in general. Because like it or not, One Direction is still my favorite band, and I will not let harry styles be sad, ever. So fix this.

I threw the note on the pile of mail in the corner. How am I supposed to fix this? He knew me for a few hours and had sex with me. Why does he think that's love? I went to my home office and sat in my office chair. I moved the mouse around, bringing the comuter screen to life. I opened the skype app and searched for the name Kelsie had written on the back of the note. SexiestEskimo. There was a little green dot by the name. "Looks like I have to do this." But before I could click on it, He already sent me a video request. I accepted, and soon his face appeared in the box on the screen. "Hey there." I said awkwardly. "yeah. Hey." He looked dreadful, his hair wasn't as curly and bouncy, he had bags under his eyes, that were bloodshot, and he was wearing the beanie I had put on his head before I left. "Nice beanie." I said dismissivly. "Thanks." "I was told I needed to fix whatever was going on between us." "No need. I think I got it the first time thanks." "Then we're done here?" I said about to close the session. "Wait." I raised an eyebrow at him. "Why? Just tell me why and I'll leave you alone." "I'm scarred. That's why, end of story." "Whay are you scarred?" "Because I was raped by my last boyfriend! I really didn't want to start off a new relationship with sex! But I did, so I ended it before it got to bad. Happy now?" "Why would I be happy about that?" His face twisted in confusion and pain. "Look, I told you why, now we can be done. Bye." "Don't you dare end this call. I have more to say." "Oh yeah? Like what?" "Like why do I sacre you? Do you think I'm going to be just like him?" I rolled my eyes. "No harry, I don't think that. But, I don't see why we should be in a relationship if I'm never going to see you again." "That's not true." "Yeah it is. You live halfway across the world, not country. Even after the tour you'll go back to another country. Why would I be in a relationship with someone I can never be physcially with?" "Because you love them." I laughed. "What makes you think I love you? What makes you think I trust you not to cheat on me?" "Because I do love you damn it!"Then prove it!" "How?" "One year." "What?" "Go one year without girls. Treat me like a friend, not a girlfriend. Don't have sex, don't date, just stop using girls for a year. When you come back next year for the tour, we can see what happens next." "Deal. Only if you do the same." "I'm horrified of men, they scare me, you don't have to worry about me dating anyone." "Then it's settled then. One year from now, we'll see eachother again, until then I have to prove just how much I love you." I nodded. "Excatly." "Good. So I still have a chance?" "Yupp." Then I remembered the fact that I'm pregnant. "But, you have to accept everything and anything. Meaning flaws, mistakes, lies, all of it. If you really love me, then you have to mean it." "Promise." He ued his finger to draw an X across his heart. I sighed. "Well I need to go eat something. So, I guess I'll text you later." "Text you later then. Can we skype again tomorrow?" He asked hopefully. "I have work tomorrow...but maybe tomorrow night, if you can." "I can try my damn well best." He smiled that perfect smile, dimples sinking in his cheeks.

After lunch I went back to my office to organize the upcoming fundraiser at the daycare. The calendar on my wall marked today as August 5th. My birthday was circled in bright pink marker, August 9th. I flipped the calander back to june, the day of the concert was circled in red and blue marker with stars and hearts all around the date. I picked up a black sharpie and wrote 'day one' in bold letters. Then counted down the weeks to reach nine months. "Your kidding me." I rolled my eyes in irratation. "Febuary 14th." I circled the date and wrote 'due' in the box. "Guess I should set up a doctors appointment." I picked up my phone and dialled the number for my doctor. "Doctor West's office, how can we help you?" "Yes, this is Tatum Mori, I was wondering if I could set up and appointment with an OB. I need to have a pregnancy check up." "Oh, Mrs.Mori. Are you positive your pregnant." "Yes. As sure as I was last time." "Well, we can set you up an appointment for the 6th at 10am, is that okay?" "Works for me. I was also wondering if I could see doctor West about my cell count, last time I was there it's was pretty low and now with this I think I might need another transfusion." "We'll have him check that out. We'll see you Monday." "See you then." I set the phone down on the table and leaned back in my chair. This is crazy. I don't understand how I ended up in this position. My phone vibrated on the table. "Hello?" "Hey, we're going to drive through texas in about 2 weeks, do you think we could meet up for some dinner or something? I'm sure Kelsie wants to see Lou again." "Harry? Your talking really fast." "Dinner with me in 2 weeks. A birthday present from me. Kelsie told me." I laughed. "I guess we could." "Awesome." He let out a breath. "Goodness how long have you been holding that breath?" "Since you hung up on skype." "Hmm...that's quite a while to hold your breath, must be a new reccord." "Only for you." "That counts as flirting Harry." "So, can't I flirt with my new best friend?" I sighed. "I suppose so." I could hear the smirk in his voice. "Good." "Tatum I'm home!' Kelsie called slamming the door. "I have to go Harry, Kelsie's home." "Scarred she'll find out about us?" "What's there to find out? We're just 2 best friends." He sighed. "Guess your right." "Yeah, I am. Well bye." "Bye, love you." I froze. "Love you too." I hung up before he could respond witrh some snide remark. "Who was that?" Kelsie asked knowingly. "Shut up before I slap you." She just laughed and walked away.


"Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you! It's your special day today, SO GET YOUR ASS OUT OF BED!" I opened my eyes and glarred at Kelsie. "Fudge you." "Sorry but last I checked we were fresh out of fudge." "Yeah, yeah." "Well for this special 18th birthday of yours, we are going to the beautiful, exotic, Old Blues Tattoo's." I laughed. "So we are going to get tattoos?!" "The doctor cleared you for one, and you don't need another blood transfusion. So why the hell not?" She smiled and giggled. I got out of bed, and walked to my closet. "I'm makin waffles when your ready." I smiled and grabbed a set of clothes then headed to the shower. After my nice shower, I dressed and met Kelsie in the kitchen for breakfast.

"What kind of tattoo are you getting?" I was thinking, behind my ear, and it say 'tell me a lie'." Kelsie giggled. "Like the song?" "Well yeah, for one I like the song, and second, I like the meaning behind it as well." She nodded. "That's sweet. It's like a reminder of One Direction, and your history all at once!" "Pretty much." "Well we can go to the tattoo shop around 3, until then, we're going shopping." "Shopping where? There's no places to shop in this tiny place." "We'll drive up to fort worth. If we leave now we can still get back here around 3ish for the tattoo appointment." "Fun." I laughed. "Now come on!" She grabbed my arm and dragged me outside.

We drove to fort worth and went inside the mall. "Now what do you want for your birthday?" "Well, since we're going to the tattoo parlor, I kinda wanted to get those plugs..." I mumbled looking at the shop windows. "Then let's go pick some out. Just no bigger then a 2, understand." She pointed a finger at me. I crossed my eyes looking at her finger in my face, then bit it with my front teeth. "Ow! What was that for?" "You put it in my face, what else was I supposed to do with it?" "Not bite it." I shrugged. "Sorry." We wandered around for a bit, passing a 'Children's Place'. "Can I just look?" I asked quietly. Kelsie broke into a smile. "Duhh. Come on." She grabbed my hand and led me in the store. The walls lined with pictures of little girls and boys, babbies and toddlers, families. Racks of summer clothes, shorts, jeans, tanktops, all meant for children. "So cute." "Well wen we figure out what gender the baby will be, we can come get some for them." "Yeah.." I trailed off looking to the door. "Can we go now." "Yeah." She said looking me over. "You ok?" I nodded but walked to the door anyways. "People were looking at me." I said when we were outside. "Who cares? They can get over themselves." I nodded. "I guess so.." She rolled her eyes. "Let's just go to Hottopic then. You can pick out your plugs." I let her drag me along, my mind venturing off in the distance, what would my baby be? A boy or a girl? I've always wanted a little girl, but a baby boy, I could name Edward, after Harry. What would I name her if she were a girl? And would they use my last name, or his last name? I'd have to tell him first if I wanted to use him last name. "Earth to Tatum! Are you even here?" Kelsie snapped her fingers in front of my nose. "yeah, I'm right here. Just drifting a bit." "Well come on. Pick already." I looked at the spinning glass case, inside were boxes of plugs and tapers. On the bottom shelf, a gague 10, was a little 1D symbol. I pointed to it. "I want that one." Kelsie laughed. "Perfect." Kelsie paid for the plugs, and got me some stickers as well. "You know Harry is treating us to dinner next week. Maybe we should buy you a new outfit?" "I hate shopping for clothes." I whinned. "Shut up. Look, there's forever 21." "We can't afford shopping there!" I pulled her back. She crossed her arms and pouted. "Well then where do you want to shop?" "I don't." I pulled out my phone. "And look, it's already 2:30. Let's head back home." She kept the pout on her lips. "Fine whatever." Then she proceeded to stomp off towards the car.

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