Chapter Fourteen

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Chapter 14

Harry's mom was beautiful. Really pretty, she smiled back at Harry through the screen and waved at him. "Hi baby. What's so important? Is something wrong? Where are the other boys?" "Calm down mum. It's a really long story. But I need you to listen with an open mind and open heart." The worried woman calmed down and nodded to her son. "Okay." "Do you remember when we came on tour to America last summer?" He asked. Sne nodded confused. "Of course, you said you met that sweet girl there." He scratched the back of his head. "Yeah, I did. Actually mum. After the concert we met at, her and her friend stuck around the stage and hung out with us. I started to fall for her, really hard and fast. But we were only staying in town for another day, so i didn't really have the time to start something with her. And i really wanted to." "Yeah, I get that. But what about it?" "We were under the stage lights, just the 2 of us. In the spurr of the moment, I kissed her. And she kissed me back." As he explained this, I could feel the butterflies in my tummy and the tingles on my lips. "Her and her friend were going to leave, so i gave her my number, but I got my first call from her 5 minutes later from the parking lot. her car was broke down and they couldn't get it to start. Liam and I offered her a ride to our hotel, where we'd pay for a on night stay for the 2 of them, since they lived so far away. Back at the hotel, well," He paused and looked at his hands in his lap. I figured this was an appropraite time for me to step in. "I couldn't sleep." I spoke up. Harry looked over to me confusion ever present in his eyes. I pulled up and chair and sat next to him. His mother gasped as she looked me over, tattoo's and teased hair. I know I'm not the avarage girl you'd want your son to have kids with. "My name's Tatum Mori. That night at the hotel, i couldn't fall asleep, so i called Harry. he said I could come up to his room and we could talk or something. I did go up to his room. But talking's not all we did." I said the last part quietly. Harry opened his mouth to speak, but I stopped him by shaking my head and holding his hand. "We were talking, and getting to know eachother but, we were just so pressured. We were wanting something to happen between the 2 of us, and we didn't have the time to do it right." I took a deep breath. "In the heat of motion and given surcumstances. We ended up having sex." I said rather bluntly. His mother gasped and rolled her eyes. "Typical teenagers. Now kids, I understand. But why was this such an emergency?" I looked down at my hand in Harry's. "That parts on me." "What do you mean lovely?" She asked sweetly. Tears came to my eyes and I quickly blinked them away and sniffled. "Afterwards, I kept getting sick. I couldn't hold down food, I could barely drink. I got bigger in the middle and I started to panic. My best friend wanted me to tell Harry, but i couldn't bare to. He has his carrer and so much going for his life. I'm just a small town girl who owns a daycare. Nothing special." Her facial expression was blank, I couldn't tell what she was thinking at all. "Were you pregnant?" I nodded, tears falling down my flushed cheeks. "For the second time in my life." "Your kidding me! So you already had one kid and then my son knocks you up so now he has 2 children he's resp-" "No!" I shouted frustreated and angry. "I was raped when i was 15, by my boyfriend. I got pregnant, and I lost the baby." Her face dropped in shock, she silenced and sat back, waiting for me to continue. "It's not Harry's fault. I didn't tell anybody out me being pregnant. People at work never asked who the father was, they were just happy for me. I didn't want to tell Harry, even though my best friend kept telling me to I didn't listen. I didn't want him to tell me to get an abortion." I took shallow breaths. "I couldn't stand to lose another baby. It'd kill me. I would rather die." I whispered. Harry pulled my chair closer and rested my head on his chest as i continued to cry. "Did you have the baby?" Harry nodded. "Yes she did. By herself. I didn't find out until 2 days ago." "Is the baby okay?" I pulled out of Harry's chest and whipped my eyes. "Yes. She was born premature, my body couldn't handle the featus anymore and I hade to have an emergency seasection, after several hours of hard labor. She has growth devlopment problems in her legs, but she should grow up just fine." His mom's eyes softened. "Is she there." I nodded. "But she's asleep." I picked up the laptop and carried it over to the bed. Showing a curled up sleeping baby Juilya to Harry's mom. "Her name is Juilya Ann Styles, and she'll be seven months old next friday." "She's beautiful." I placed the laptop back on the table and sat back next to harry. His mom sighed and ran her hands through her hair. "Do you 2 have a plan?" "After tour I'm going to come down here and spen some time with the both of them. That way we have more time to figure things out. Right now just isn't the right time to sort this out." She shook her head . "No, right now is the only time to figure it out." She stated firmly. "There is a baby laying in that bed behind you. And i don't care how much of a good mother you are, my son will not let my first grandchild grow up without a father. You may be teen parents, and Harry may be busy with his tour. But that baby isn't going away. You need to think this through now, and figure out where the 2 of you stand. This is important. The both of you need to see how much you need eachother for this kind of commitment." Maybe she's right, now is the only time we can work this out, later would just make things worse. She continued. "Plus, more time apart makes things harder when your trying to figure out if you love eachother. Just because there's a baby in the mix, don't go off believing your in love. Prove it to eachother." Harry looked down again. "I think we already have." His mother siged once more. "It's late where you are. Get some sleep and promise to call me tomorrow." "We will." Harry said. "Good, now I love you Hazz, and Tatum please take care of my boy, I know he's crazy. But I promise you he's worth it." I giggled and tossed my arms around Harry's neck losely. "I know he's worth it." I kissed the underside of his chin. Momma Styles smiled sweetly at the 2 of us, then waved and closed the chat.

"She seems nice." I commented. Harry threw his shirt at his suitcase. "Yeah, but now she expects us to figure all of this out in 2 days." I held his bare shoulders to calm him down. "Hazz, it's gonna be alright. We are taking this one step at a time. That's all we can do." Something in his brain seemed to click, his eyes darkened, and a smirk slid across his lips. He leaned forward, lips hovering over my ear. "Is that really all we can do?" His husky voice was coated in lusty suggustion, his teeth gnawed at my earlobe. "Hazz, is now really the time? Your 7 month old is sleeping, and you mom just told us we need to think things through-" "You know you and I both aren't so good with words." He cut me off. He pulled away to face me, his eyes gazing down longingly into mine. "Just let me show you how much I love you instead." Suddenly lips were on mine in a hungry passion, his hands slid into my back pockets, how am I supposed to not kiss back? When I granted his tounge access, he picked me up, my legs wrapped around his waist, and carried me over to the table and chairs. He sat on one of the chairs, keeping me stradled across his waist. Hands ghosted up and down my sides, my fingers tangled in those messy curls. I sat up on my knees in an effort to get closer, pulling his face up with mine.

It didn't advance much past that, just soft touches, caressing, kissing. We still sat in the chair, my head rested on his chest. We both looked disheavealed, the first few buttons of his shirt undone, my jacket was somewhere else now, his hair had fresh knots, mine probably looked teased and tangled. "I really missed you." He whispered. I cuddled closer to him. "I missed you too." "I think we should be together. Not like marrige, but you should be my girlfriend." "Are we going to tell people?" His sigh blew hair out of my face. "I think we can tell anyone we want to, except the press, just let people think what they want to think." I turned my head so my chin was on his chest and I was lookign up at him. "I'd really like that."

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