Chapter 8 - We are Going on the Offensive... nothing to see here.

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Dude @FooterHooter is poggers for fixing my shit

Quick Recap. On: A New Age of Warfare

James and his companions have successfully stopped a Division sized Quan force moving to attack Fort Krass. To top it all off, he finally filled his division with the necessary manpower and completely fill his missing brigades. And reinforcements coming from the fort also reached James, albeit they are missing manpower in the ranks but his okay with it. He was given new orders from the higher-ups to "Subjugate the Quans and make it your own country". Which in turn made him shock about the order...

But if it means to stop the war...

He would gladly do it...


Talking: "Hello how are you? i'm under the water... please help me"

Shouting (All CAPS!): "BRUHHHHHHH!!!"

Whispering: "i'm in danger :D"

Telepathy: 'i have come bearing gifts'

Thoughts: "it is what it is"

Background/Action: *Sheeeeeeeeeeesh*

Radio: ≈Thot spotted! Over≈


Location: Trench System, Mountain Pass, Western Region, Grizalan Kingdom

Date: November 10, 904

Time: 7:05 PM

James P.O.V.

"Say what now?!"

I shouted in disbelief about this new order. I mean, commanding an army is a good thing for me but making my own country is hard. I have to learn politics and other shit to run a country.

"Commander Paul, did I heard that right?! I have to subjugate the Quans and make it my own country!" I said, hoping he heard it wrong from the higher-ups.

"Don't worry, I have that same reaction when I heard it first."

"Oh for fucks sakes," I sighed as I facepalmed with my other hand since I'm holding the crystal in my hand, "They know that I'm a General right? I'm not good at running a country!"

"I know James, but it's the higher-up's orders. As much as I want you to not follow the order, it's from the higher-ups, I can't disobey orders."

I groaned at this, this is gonna be a pain in the ass, "Ughh..." I then shook my head, "Fine, I'll do it, tell them that I will do the order."

"Got your message General James, expect a call from me tomorrow."

"Yes Commander, goodnight."

"Goodnight to you too General James."

The crystal then lost its color from the palm of my hand, signaling the call is cut. I sighed again about the higher-up's orders to subjugate the Quans and make it my own country, that's some Isekai country-building bullshit!

I looked around me to see others looking at me with worry and a hint of shock, "Did I hear it right?! You're going to subjugate the Quans!" Captain George shouted at me.

"Hush! Quite now, we don't want the Quans to hear about this," Captain Lorence said to George with a glare. Which made Captain George mumbled a 'sorry.'

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