Chapter 15 - The Annihilation of Two Armies (Part 1)...

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Thx to @FooterHooter for proofreading this crap, luv u lol XD

Quick Recap. on: A New Age of Warfare

The Auroran Army had liberated the Town Krill from the Quan Dynasty. While the citizens celebrate their liberation, they rebuild their town and collect the dead; Quans, Grizalans, and Aurorans alike while James begins planning to create a FOB and an Airfield. 2 days have passed since the two armies contacted the town, the Two Armies from the Quan Dynasty were almost getting closer Town Krill to help...

However, they didn't know that the town was lost...

And the Auroran Army is waiting for them...


Talking: "Hello how are you? I'm under the water... please help me"

Shouting (All CAPS!): "BRUHHHHHHH!!!"

Whispering: "I'm in danger :D"

Telepathy: 'i have come bearing gifts

Thoughts: "it is what it is"

Background/Action: *Sheeeeeeeeeeesh*

Radio: ≈Thot spotted! Over≈


Location: Town Krill, Grizalan Kingdom

Date: November 11, 904

Time: 1:37 PM

3rd P.O.V.

As the sun gives the world heat strong enough to melt ice cream in the horizon, the citizens of the Town of Krill hear the sounds of explosions, screaming, and men shouting. Many villagers hide inside their houses to avoid the conflict that was happening outside, many hide under the tables, blocked their rooms upstairs, others just armed themselves with whatever they can find to protect themselves if ever they were attacked.

However, that was 10 minutes ago. The sounds of explosions and screaming were reduced to muffled shouting and running that can be heard from the outside.

In one house, a family of 4 was hiding behind a turned table, the father held a knife while the oldest son held a pan, crouching behind the table while the mother holds dearly onto her young daughter. The father peeked above the table, "Looks like it stopped." he said to his family while letting out a sigh in relief. The father stood up followed by their son.

"You think so?" his wife asked while loosening up a bit but still looking scared while embracing her youngest daughter who was still trembling.

"Looks like it," their oldest son said while standing up, still holding the pan in his hand, "Those loud noises seemed to have stopped," he said.

When they were about to move to the door, they felt a slight tremble in the ground as the ground shakes slightly, making the family tense and point their weapons at the door.

"What in the goddess is that?!" the father said with a tense look while holding the knife with two hands.

"I don't know!" his son said to him while pointing the pan to the door.

The mother and her daughter sat on the floor with their backs behind the table, still hiding as they felt the weak tremor.

As the tremor start to shake, their eyes widened as they see through their window -which was covered by a curtain- they saw a large and tall silhouette of a being who continued to move forward while behind was another large silhouette.

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