Naming Convention #7 Winners!

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After 2 days of waiting for the entries, the convention has come to a close, needless to say, I'm surprised that a lot of people joined the convention.

Before I continue to tell the winners of the convention, I'm here to tell you all that I'm almost 200 followers on my profile.

Not a lot closer, but still closer to reaching 200 followers before the year ends, if you want to, you can help me reach this goal before the year ends, would very much appreciate it

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Not a lot closer, but still closer to reaching 200 followers before the year ends, if you want to, you can help me reach this goal before the year ends, would very much appreciate it.

Now onto the winners, here are the winners down below.

For the 2 Corvettes, the winners are:

By: jebus_the_thot_shooter (Discord)
Auroran Naval Ship (ANS) Swordfish
["No. 1"] (Swordfish Class Corvette )

"The ANS Swordfish first of the Swordfish class is a rather dinky vessel which is by most seen as an overgrown PT boat This is complimented with its high speed and low DFT making it a staple in coastal/shallow water operations and Gunboat raids. The crew of the Swordfish is by most considered 'A bunch of rednecks high on god-know-what set on turning a respectable ship into a weaponized speedboat' Also note the crew can and WILL tailor the ship to mission efficiency, HELLO rotates turret AND GOODBYE BOOM."

By: messerschmittme262
Auroran Naval Ship (ANS) Obliterator
["No. 2] (Swordfish Class Corvette)

"Once gets lost in a massive tempest isolated from her allies, she and her crews stand together from rapid shelling from enemies, suffered massive casualties, mistakenly seen as one of the hostiles by an allied ship, get attacked from two side enemies and allied ships. Yet they came through, defeated all the hostiles, and finally saved with only the captain and 10 other crewmates."

Now for the 2 Frigates:

By: dragonoid91
Auroran Naval Ship (ANS) Reaper
["No. 3"] (Guardian Class Frigate)

"A ship that lurks in the shadow, ready to kill. Silent, deadly, and fast. This ship would engrave fear into its enemies' hearts and would leave no ship sunk to ever tell a tale of the Reaper."

By: AuliamirzaAuliamirza
Auroran Naval Ship (ANS) Langstrom
["No. 4"] (Guardian Class Frigate)

"Feared by its enemy, hated by its mechanic and engineering, loved by its crew. Wreaking havoc for who blocking her path. She is unstoppable deep blue beast."

For the last winner, the person who gets to name the only Destroyer in the convention is:

By: pxMakii
Auroran Naval Ship (ANS) Collin Culler
["No. 5"] (Javelin Class Destroyer)

"The Collin Culler was built to provide fire support, to assist with naval landings in mind. Although through its years of service, the enemies learned to fear this ship whether it be on their shores barraging them or on the open seas hunting them as its powerful radars, accurate guns, and high mobility allows the Collin Culler to be more than just a fire support vessel."

And that's all the winners for naming convention #7, to those who didn't get picked, better luck next time.

Anyways, thanks for the participation, I really appreciate that you like my story so far.

Cya later mah dudes :D

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