Chapter 18 - Attack of Fort Valk (Part 1)...

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Quick Recap On: A New Age of Warfare

Contact between the two armies in the Imperial Quan Army and the Auroran Army had came to an end, the battle of the plains was a decisive victory for the Auroran Army and the Grizalan Kingdom. They have dealt a brutal blow to the Quan Army as they killed 3 army size forces. This paralyzed the advance of the Quan Army from moving further into Grizalan Kingdom territory.

The IHQ took notice of this and initially started sending more troops to reinforce the frontlines but they will take days to reach the frontlines to stop them. So it was decided, they ordered a retreat to IHQ to take defensive positions, they know that they will start a counter-attack to reclaim their lost lands, which means Operation: Retake is still in effect after they completely drove the Quan Army out of the Grizalan lands.

Now, they will stage an attack...

The counter-attack has begun...


Talking: "Hello how are you? I'm under the water... please help me"

Shouting (All CAPS!): "BRUHHHHHHH!!!"

Whispering: "I'm in danger :D"

Telepathy: 'i have come bearing gifts

Thoughts: "it is what it is"

Background/Action: *Sheeeeeeeeeeesh*

Radio: ≈Thot spotted! Over≈


One Week Later...

Location: Fort Kin (Formerly named Valk), In-between Quan-Grizalan Border.

Date: November 23, 904

Time: 1:04 AM

3rd P.O.V.


"Yes, commander!"

In the ruined fort of the Grizalan Kingdom, we see behind the destroyed walls Quan soldiers and engineers, it was a busy day and night making defenses for the possible counter-attack from the Grizalan Kingdom.

Destroyed walls were filled with debri from the parts of the fort to fill in the gap to increase the survival chance of the Quan soldiers. Wooden scaffolding can be seen covering the walls to put more rocks or anything hard to increase the strength of the walls. Wooden planks covered the top so the defenders have an easy time moving across the top of the walls.

On the high parts of the walls, ballistas were fixed from the slight damage or extensive damage that was done several weeks ago when the Quans sieged and took over the fort. It was now being used by the Quan and it was maintained to fight any heavy units that the Grizalans would throw at them.

Quan engineers could be seen all around carrying wooden planks rocks, and weapons to the defenses while soldiers were busy doing drills with their superiors.

The forts were almost done with preparing their defenses as the Quans were busy building more with some companies stationed at the bottom of the fort, acting as the first line of defense with wooden walls and some ballistas protecting them.

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