Interlude - Quan Dynasty Arc (plus news)

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Note that this interlude contains a brief summary of the whole Grizalan Arc, although this also may contain a bit of future events in the Quan Dynasty Arc. If you have no interest in this interlude, it's fine, this section just contains words lmao. Also i have some notes about my hiatus.


Chlora. A world that is two times larger than our humble Earth, yet it possesses the same gravity as Earth. Situated in an unknown place in the galactic void. Some would say that it lies within another galaxy similar but far apart from the Milky Way, some speculate that it lies way beyond that, another universe.

Whatever answer mankind can come up with, would never ever satisfy the correct answer. For only the creator and his observers to know the true answer.

A habitable planet similar to Earth, bearing continents far larger and numerous than Earth's, occupying ten continents and more oceans compared to us. The continents themselves are inhabited by humans, elves, orcs, goblins, dwarves, dragons, and many more that live in Chlora. Ranging from tribes to empires, from man to fictional race, all makeup the total population of beings that inhabit this wonderful world.

But there's a specific continent where we will focus for the time being, a continent that will bring change in the world forever, whether it be minor or major. It will ultimately cause a ripple that will be felt around the world.

In that continent, a conflict has been ongoing for a few weeks, three of the largest nations are in a state of war: the Quan Dynasty, the Grizalan Kingdom, and the Ushia Kingdom, with the Grizalan's facing a two-front war. Fighting a two-front war can guarantee the enemy a win, after all, anyone who has fought a two-front war has never won.

But that would not be the case today, something or rather someone, has intervened in the conflict and drastically shifted the war towards the Grizalan's favor. They turned the whole tide, allowing the Grizalans to mainly focus on the Ushia front while they pushed on towards the Quan front.

The man behind the slau-, I mean, the man behind the drastic shift was none other than James Ramos and his army.

From an ordinary citizen to a full-blown army general in such a short notice. Something this unprecedented actually happened to him, a normal university student turned army general in mere months.

Facing the reality that he will not come back to Earth. He fixed and calmed himself and accepted his role as a military commander, he embraced his new role in the world to the fullest. Because of his actions, he and his army had successfully pushed the Quan's out of Grizalan territory and continued further by conducting a full-scale invasion in the process; the counter-attack.

Fast forward to the current day, the invasion has been going on for two weeks, two weeks was all it took for the Auroran Army to take a good portion of the eastern side of the Dynasty. James aimed to simultaneously unleash widespread destruction upon the enemy forces and win the favor of the populace to further his primary objective.

The Quan Dynasty, the once mighty and powerful Dynasty, boasting the largest manpower available in the continent, now faces a struggling dilemma to stabilize the eastern front with the unknown army that they've now been able to identify thanks to the very few Quan soldiers that had survived their encounters with the enemy, known as the "Aurorans". Quan command suspects these Aurorans are the ones that are responsible for defeating the seven armies they had sent to invade the Grizalan Kingdom.

They had expected an easy victory before all went to shit, considering they had started a two-front war with the Ushia Kingdom attacking from the Grizalans' eastern side. However, days later they would suddenly receive an unexpected bloody nose, although to be precise they received a bloody and beaten face when they heard that their seven hundred-thousand soldiers, mages, and griffons had been defeated in only a matter of days. Such news would be very hard to hear, for anyone for sure.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Feb 13 ⏰

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