Chapter 23 - Added Plans...

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Quick Recap on: A New Age of Warfare

With the successful recapture of Fort Valk, James was praised and congratulated for his daring assault on the fort, successfully cutting off the only way out of the country, and traping the remnants of the invasion force inside the Western Region.

While James was being congratulated, elsewhere an Auroran officer noticed something. He overheard captured enemy combatants complain that they are fed up with their Emperor ignoring them and not helping their cause at all.

The officer is rather intrigued by this small but important find, he then later approaches his general's room to report this significant finding.

This news will surprise James even more...

Perhaps a little revolution can't hurt right?...


Talking: "Hello how are you? I'm under the water... please help me"

Shouting (All CAPS!): "BRUHHHHHHH!!!"

Whispering: "I'm in danger :D"

Telepathy: 'i have come bearing gifts

Thoughts: "it is what it is"

Background/Action: *Sheeeeeeeeeeesh*

Radio: ≈Thot spotted! Over≈


3 Days before Operation: Fallen Dynasty...

Location: War room, Fort Valk

Date: December 14, 904

Time: 9:11 AM

3rd P.O.V.

"I know the Quan common people hate their Emperor, heck even their soldiers hate him, and maybe some officials too. But I didn't notice this to the point that most want him outright killed and tossed away from the throne," James said in a shocked tone.

The people with him inside, all of the field marshals, Samantha, and even Lukas were needless to say also flabbergasted. (You'd think after all that time, they would have enough time to figure out that a revolution would work well but Ig not.) (shhhhhhhhhhh my editor, just stick to the plot)

They were just starting to improve their plans or change some tactics to minimize the losses when the invasion starts, as well as logistics to supply the ever-increasing frontline when they push them far enough and also study the terrain based on the map, but that won't be much of help when the map displaces few obstacles that may or may not be there, and also the map may not be accurate at all.

To make this plan go smoothly as possible, they took days of polishing their plans. Thanks to their newly acquired knowledge from the prisoners, almost all of them were cooperating with the soldiers and officers in the Auroran Army, making information gathering rather easy for them.

But they aren't going to be prepared for the report they're about to receive later on.

Right after they met in the same room as the last time they met, a knock was heard on the door. James ordered his two Space Marines to tell the people outside that they're off limits unless it is really important or urgent news since the meeting is important and about to start.

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