Chapter 6 "An Important Job"

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   Two women followed the same path to the King's office that the First Prince had taken only hours prior. And, like the Prince, they were also in a bit of a rush (though they were much more polite as they passed the castle's other occupants).
   A person passing by might easily mistake the pair for sisters—aside from hair color, they both shared the same beautiful facial features and blue-gray eyes. It would also have been easy to mistake the pair for servants, as they were very plainly, but neatly dressed. But, they were neither sisters nor servants. The ageless silver-haired beauty sprinting down the halls was the Remno queen consort Claudia, and the raven-haired beauty trying to match her stride was the princess Clarissa.

   "His Majesty wants us to meet him in his office?", the princess breathlessly questioned her mother.
   "Well, he is your father."
   "Yes mother, but it's been three years!"
   "Oh, don't be silly! We see His Majesty almost every day."
   "Yes, to bring him his food or his slippers—or maybe rub his feet."
   "Making sure your His Majesty is fed and comfortable is important work."
   "No, Mother—important work is done in His Majesty's office. So, why are we being called in there? Why now? I wish Abel was here. If he was here, he'd let us know. "
   Claudia sighed, "I miss him, too. But, with the food shortages, mail isn't coming in like it used to."
   Clarissa stopped and looked at her mother with hopeful eyes.
   "Is he with the Princess?"
   "I believe so. Now get moving! His Majesty is expecting us!"
   Claudia's daughter obediently started moving again, and the pair picked up their pace.
   "Is it really true that they call her The Great Sage?"
   "That's what I hear."
   "But how? I mean she's just a..."
   "All places are not like Remo. Even I went to school when I was your age. Well, maybe I was a little younger."
   "You went to school?"
   "Yes, not that it matters now..."
   "We're here. Now stand up straight!"
   Two guards were standing in front of the pair of ridiculously large double doors  Well, not really standing. One was busy polishing his boot, and the other was playing a game of solitaire. Other than a quick glance, neither moved once the queen and princess arrived. They just continued what they were doing.
The queen waited for a non-existent response.
   "Ahem! "
  "Yes?", the guard playing solitaire finally answered, just as he laid down another card.
   "The King is expecting us."
   "Yeah, go on in."
  Two guards didn't bother to look up, much less open the doors, so the two ladies shrugged at each other and together managed to push open one of the doors themselves.
   Mother and daughter walked into the room and stood. And then they stood some more. The King was sitting at his desk, reading a newspaper. The monster of a man did not look up, so they just continued to stand. As they stood, he started to pick at his left majestic nostril. He yawned a bit, scratched his belly, and then got to work on majestic nostril number two... Finally, he looked up to see his wife and daughter standing there in front of him.
   "What the hell! Why didn't those guards tell me you were here? Damn! Oh well, it's good that you are here. I have a job for both of you."
  They both continued to stand.
  "Do you have cotton in your heads? Sit down! Say something! Do you understand?"
   "I am sorry Your Majesty, I didn't know we had permission to speak." The queen curtsied and sat, and Clarissa followed her mother's lead.
   "Yes! Yes! Speak! Speak! You have permission to speak!"
   "So, our job, Your Majesty?" The queen asked in a polite monotone.
   "Yes. It is actually a very important job. The Princess is coming to Remno."
   "Princess? The Princess of the Tearmoon Empire?" Claudia's daughter chirped.
   "Yes! Yes! That's what I said! Are you deaf and stupid?"
   "I am sorry Your Majesty."
   "Anyway, she's coming here. Thank Lobo, she's coming here! Or, rather, thank your brother Abel. Anyway, the shortages are not getting better. We have already been cutting back on rations, if it keeps up, there just won't be enough..."
   "Enough food you stupid girl. People will starve. We almost had one revolution—and that was when we were still feeding everyone. Anyway, Tearmoon has food. We have to convince them to give us some. But, to do that we have got to make a good impression."
    "A good impression on the Princess?"
    "Yes! Yes! The Princess, you stupid girl! We need to make her think Remno is more like Tearmoon. Letting women talk and the like! It will only be for a little while. Just while the Princess is here. Claudia, you came from Santina. It was similar to Tearmoon in that way. I am putting you in charge."
   "Me? In charge?" The queen's voice changed, like an actor who had accidentally fallen out of character.
   "Yes, we have no other choice. We can't make a bad impression on the Princess. We will starve! It will just be for a little while. I don't even know where to start. You have to do this."
   Claudia tilted her head "Well, perhaps..."
   "Perhaps, what?"
   "Perhaps, you could start with her name?"
   "I know her name, woman! Princess Mia Luna Tearmoon!"
   "Not her name. Her name!"
With her mother's hands on her shoulders. The lovely young woman with dark curls took half a step forward. The slightly confused King looked into his daughter's beautiful blue-grey eyes.
   A tear fell from her cheek.

The Tearmoon Princess in the Kingdom of Remno  (with some illustrations) Where stories live. Discover now