Chapter 16 "The King's Horse!"

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        When Anne returned, she was dressed completely in black

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        When Anne returned, she was dressed completely in black. This elicited a grin from Abel, "You look like the Wolf Master."
Then he noticed the sword at her hip, "Why? You can't—"
      Anne interrupted, "I will protect Mia.  I can't do that in a dress, and I can't do that without a sword."
      Abel responded with a confused look, "Let's go. We don't want to be late."
      Abel did not speak again until they had entered the stables.

      Abel motioned to a dark grey horse in the stall to his left. That is Shadowspear, Gain will get his own horse. I am sure that Mia will want something quick, I am sure this one will do. Abel pointed to a beautiful brown mare.
      Anne smiled, "She's beautiful, what's her name?"
       "Does it matter? Mia is just going to call her 'Silvermoon' anyway"
       The pair laughed—and it felt good to laugh together. They both loved Mia, but that did not mean their relationship with each other was especially warm. Sharing a laugh over Mia's eccentricities was sort of a reminder—"oh yeah Mia likes this person for a reason—they are fun to be with!"
      Gain was still wearing a smile, "So which one do you want to ride?"
      "Him!" Anne platted the neck of a giant black warhorse.
       The huge beast was not really appropriate for a day outing—and not really something Abel thought any woman would ride.
   She can dress like an assassin, she can even wear a sword— but not the horse—not 'that' horse.
      "You can't ride that!"
       "Why not?"
       "Th-that— it's The King's Horse!"
       Anne offered a satisfied grin, "Perfect!"
       "Who does Gain fear?"
       Gain fears father. Everyone fears Father! You should fear Father!
    "I know that you are trying to get Gain's attention. But, you can't do this. Father..."
       "Your father is an evil man, but he is after something big—he's not going to spoil his little show because I took his horse for a ride, and I need to get Gain's respect—quickly."
       This is Anne? She thinks she can manipulate Gain and Father so easily? If it had been Ludwig, it might have been believable, but Anne? Yes, Mia had always called Anne her right hand and confidant—but, she had given her that title out of kindness—hadn't she? She doesn't possess any real skills...
       "Miss Anne, I was wrong for asking you to help with this. You are going to get hurt."
       "I am here to protect Mia."
       "That is my job."
       "Because you love her? Do you think I love her any less?"
       "No, but you aren't equipped to handle Gain and my Father."
       "Not equipped? Because I am a woman? Maybe you have more in common with your brother than you think?"
       He almost answered-"No, you are not equipped because you area maid!"—but he could tell that was not going to play out any better.
    "W-we will work together. I hope you know what you are doing."
      Anne mounted The King's Horse. "Prince Abel, are you ready?"
       Seeing Anne on The King's Horse was a sight. Had it been Mia, she would have looked like a child atop a giant monster. But Anne really did look like a knight. Has she changed that much?
       When they first arrived at Saint Noel, Anne and Mia were always together—and there was a sort of visual comedy to the pair—Anne being over a head-and-a-half taller than Mia. Mia was a child then, and the lanky and slightly clumsy Anne was not much older. But, even as Mia had matured to almost average height, Anne had remained a head-and-a-half taller—and now there was nothing lanky about her.
       "You said that you  had acquired other skills in order to protect Mia—exactly how much have you  been training?"
       Anne laughed. "Let's go!"


       They found Mia and Clarissa waiting at the gate.
       Clarissa, just stared at Anne sitting upon the giant steed. She looked toward Abel,
       "Is that..."
       "Yes. Just act natural..."
       Mia looked at the nervous siblings, "What? Is there something wrong?"
       Gain approached the gate on horseback. He got within five feet of Anne, and just stared.
       "What in the holy hell! She's on Father's horse! The fucking maid is on The King's Horse!"
       Anne quickly replied in a prim voice, "My name is Anne. If you wish to pretend to have any manners, you may call me Miss Anne!"
       Actually, Gain had every intention to pretend to be polite. But, Anne had chosen to arrive on The King's Horse to mess with the man's head—mission accomplished!—Gain's head was a total mess!
       "I-I just didn't expect...does Father know."
       Mia laughed, "Oh, he's the one who directed us to use the Royal stables, I am sure His Majesty will be fine." Mia had convinced herself that all of the Remno men were sweethearts (though Gain was a little rough around the edges), and all of this talk of Remno misogyny was overblown—total fake news.
       For his part, Gain was still completely confused "Where are we going?"
       Abel began to answer his brother, "The Royal Forest. We are—"
       Anne interrupted Abel and finished explaining the morning's itinerary "Abel and I were discussing how much Mia loves hare stew. So, we grabbed a couple of bows. Abel and I can hunt, while the three of you pick mushrooms and practice riding a little."
       "You ride and hunt?" asked an incredulous Gain.
       "Of course. But, Mia likes picking mushrooms. You can do that with the girls, while Abel and I go hunting!"
       Abel flashed Anne a puzzled look. What are you thinking? We are supposed to be keeping them apart!
         Anne just returned Abel's puzzlement with a smile of her own—a smile that said, "Wait for it..."
       "I-I am probably not the expert mushroom picker that the Princess is. I-I should go with the hunting group."
       "But we only have two bows..." Anne looked at Abel again with a look that said, "Now it's your turn!"
   Oh! "I can stay with Mia and Clarissa. Gain you can go hunting with Anne, if you rather."
       "Well, guess I can do that..."
    Damn, she's good! How did she know?

       Anne knew because she had a younger brother. They played together. They fought together. They did pretty much everything together. Well, almost everything. From age eight to about age twelve, her brother refused to do two things with her—shop and pick flowers. After spending a few hours with Gain, she figured that the man was operating at the emotional level of a ten-year-old boy (and not an especially mature one). So, as much as he desired revenge, he was not going to pick flowers or mushrooms to achieve it.

The Tearmoon Princess in the Kingdom of Remno  (with some illustrations) Where stories live. Discover now