Chapter 18 "Mushroom Hunting"

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Abel looked back and saw Anne and his brother head into the forest.
Nicely done Anne! This  just might work!
Abel was impressed with how deftly Anne was able to pry Gain away from Mia.
Well, she's done her part, I just need to do mine. Mia has to understand how evil my brother is. Actually, it should be sort of easy, Clarissa is here— she can help.
As the three headed into the glen, there was a clearing with hundreds of...
All shapes and sizes—black, white, brown—specked and striped. Never had Mia seen so many, and not since her escape from the Wolf Master did Mia feel so motivated to ride so fast!
"Go Silvermoon!"
As commanded Silvermoon (not her real name), went into a full gallop into the glen. Shadowspear must have wondered what all of the fuss was about, and immediately followed—at full gallop— with her rider just holding on for dear life!
Unlike a certain other princess in a very similar situation, Clarissa did not scream at the top of her lungs, nor did she lose her breakfast. The princess who had never even touched a horse an hour prior was perfectly silent—on the outside....
I must be brave! I must be brave! I must be brave!  I am going to die, but I must be brave!
While princess Clarissa would definitely prefer not to die—she knew that she didn't want to be afraid anymore. She wanted to be brave, like the Lady Anne and Princess Mia.
So, with the world passing her by at breakneck speed she did not cry out—she held on.
And, then it was over— no, not her life, but the ride. As Mia brought Silvermoon to a stop in the middle of the glen, Shadowspear,  having caught up with his friend, decided to stop and munch on some grass.
Having finally arrived at her mushroom holy place, Mia finally remembered that she was not alone in her pilgrimage.
"Oh, hello Clarissa! These mushrooms are marvelous!" Where is Abel?"
"Oh, I think he will catch up in a little bit," Clarissa calmly responded, even as heart still felt like it was going to explode in her chest.
"He's such a slowpoke. But, I am surprised that you kept up—you really have never ridden a horse before?"
"No, but it is exhilarating."
Finally Abel caught up with the two ladies—completely out of breath.
"Mia, what were you thinking! You could have gotten Clarissa killed!"
"Clarissa is fine," Mia laughed. "You are just upset because your sister is faster than you."
"Yes, Abel, I expected for you to be more gracious in defeat." Clarissa, desperately wanted to impress her idol—even if that meant taking her brother down a notch or two in Mia's eyes.
It's okay, she's madly and deeply in love with him—he can take the hit.
Of course, Abel was the only sane person in this situation—it was just a combination of luck and pure will on Clarissa's part that she survived the ride in one piece. But, being the only sane person in a situation was no help in winning an argument. So, he didn't argue.
"Uhh, I'll take care of the horses. You two can start gathering the mushrooms."
"Oooh, the mushrooms." Mia looked towards Clarissa, "But, we have to be careful, some mushrooms are very dangerous."
"Oh, we will be fine, as long as we keep to the black ones." Clarissa began pointing to the different mushrooms, "This one is a Remno Black. You can tell from its flat top. That is what we want for a hare stew. The black ones with round tops are Sunkland Blacks. They are edible, but not really fit for stewing—-Mia, have you ever been to Sunkland?"
"Yes, it is a very nice place. You should really visit."
"Oh, I don't get out much, but maybe someday."
Someday—Clarissa's heart ached.
"You do know your mushrooms!"
"I have to—Mother and I usually do most of the cooking for the King and the Princes, though lately I have been doing a lot of work with the council."
"Oh, that sounds exciting. I imagine you are keeping up with the famine. How has Remno's response been?"
"Well, I have really just started, but there is a new minister, Michelle Virgil, she knows a lot about farming—the other ministers are surprisingly enthusiastic about her ideas."
"Oh, I would love to hear any new ideas about farming. But that name, Virgil, it sounds familiar—oh, is she any relation to Bernardo Virgil, the Knight?"
"Yes, he's her husband. Would you like to meet them?"
"Of course, I owe Sir Virgil my thanks, I heard he was extraordinarily helpful when Ludwig and Tiona negotiated clemency for the people who got caught up in the Remno incident, and I always am interested in learning any new agricultural technologies!"
Now, everything that Mia said was true—except for her enthusiasm for reuniting with Bernardo Virgil—The Adamantine Spear. She remembered him as a fierce knight—essentially Remno's version of Dion—which meant he was very scary and therefore someone that should normally be avoided at all costs. But, she did owe the man a debt of gratitude, and the chicken-hearted Mia was not one to leave debts unpaid—because people get upset when they don't get what is owed to them—and the last thing that Mia wanted was to have Remno's Dion upset with her.
"I will ask for permission to invite the couple for dinner tonight. I know that Michelle is eager to meet you."

Abel led the horses to a nearby stream—I don't know what Clarissa was thinking. She's not Mia—she can't do these things. Well, I guess anyone would go a little crazy—being stuck here with Gain—I do feel bad for her. Anyway, I am sure she will help me expose Gain's evilness to Mia. At least those two seem to be getting along.
With the horses watered and secured Abel made his way back to the mushroom field.
"So, did I miss anything."
"Well, Mia wants to meet Sir Virgil and Michelle. I was hoping that they could be invited to attend tonight's dinner."
"Oh, I am sure that can be arranged. So, you two seem to be getting along well!"
"Clarissa is just delightful, and she knows so much about mushrooms!"
Abel smiled, Mia and Mushrooms. Well I guess it's time for me to guide the conversation a little bit. This shouldn't be too difficult....
"Gosh, I hope Anne is okay with being with alone with Gain."
Mia flashed Abel a puzzled look, "Why would you worry about Anne being with your brother?"
"Well, you heard the way he reacted when he saw her riding Father's  horse. It was just awful!"
Alright Clarissa, it's your turn, start saying bad things about Gain...
"Ha! Gain's always had a foul mouth, but honestly, I was probably more shocked than he was when I saw Miss Anne on The King's Horse!"
Not helpful, Clarissa! Okay, I will just keep trying...
"Well, I guess you would know about how difficult he is, since you've dealt with him the most."
"That is true, he can be terribly difficult, but thank Lobo he's around— with you gone, I wouldn't have anyone to talk to if he wasn't here."
"Oh don't feel bad. I know you have been busy with school and your adventures. And, I do look forward to your letters!"
This conversation was not turning out anything like Abel intended. She almost made it sound like she and Gain were friends—but that's impossible—he's horrible!
"So you have a good relationship with Gain?" Mia really wanted to know more about Abel's siblings.
"Well, he's no saint, but who is? Ha!" Clarissa laughed, realizing who she was talking to.
"Hoho!" Mia joined in—though she was laughing at a completely different joke. There are no saints—well, maybe Anne, but certainly not me. But, if it helps save the Empire and keeps the people fed, let folks think what they want!
"Anyway, he's my brother, and I love him, just like I love Abel."
Clarissa smiled, and gave Abel a sideways hug at the hip?
Abel was not smiling—What! She loves Gain! He's a monster! Even worse, she loves him the same as me! She has definitely been stuck in this hellhole for way too long,
"That's so sweet! Abel, we really need to spend more time with your brother."

The Tearmoon Princess in the Kingdom of Remno  (with some illustrations) Where stories live. Discover now