Chapter 31 "Anne and Gain Hit the Road"

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The sun had not yet begun to rise, as five figures hurriedly made preparations in the castle courtyard. Abel threw a loving look Mia's way, as he heaped clothes and provisions to The King's (Anne's) Horse. Mia returned the look with a loving, if slightly nervous, look of her own.
As if not to be outdone, Gain was also tossing out his share of what passed for gentle looks Anne's way.
The past few weeks were a roller coaster of emotions for Gain— and he had matured. Gain was no longer the man-child that Anne had so easily wrapped around her finger just days ago. The man Anne once correctly diagnosed as having the emotional maturity of a ten-year-old was gone. He had been replaced by a man who had achieved the emotional maturity of a twelve-year-old! And, that twelve-year-old was crushing on Anne—he was crushing hard!
The recipient of the gentle gazes seemed to be completely unaware. Now that Gain's threat to Mia had subsided, she really hadn't much need to notice Gain at all.
Claudia had been supervising the preparations, as well as observing the exchange of looks between the young people present. Oh my, I wonder, what happened between Abel and the Princess last night? Her smile straddled the line between motherly approval and vicarious pleasure. To be young and in love.
Her observations then shifted to her eldest son, still casting longing looks Anne's way. That boy! She laughed out loud. Could he be any more obvious? Well, the Princess and Abel are much too involved with each other to notice. But, Anne—are you that clueless? Or, do you just not care? Yes, I am biased —but he really is a good boy —on the inside—in some ways even more sensitive than Abel. Give him a chance—it's not like he's terrible to look at or anything. Well, at least he's feeling—something! Thank you Anne for doing that.
Claudia then walked up to Anne, "There is enough food here for four days. I know there is a town and you won't need nearly that much, but it is better to be safe." She then smiled with just a touch of loving pride, "Besides, my food is much better than anything you can find in a border town!"
"Thank you, queen Claudia. You are so thoughtful." Anne couldn't believe that her meals had just been prepared by a queen. Well, really most all of their meals since they had arrived had been prepared by Claudia. But, this seemed different. She seemed to be saying that this food was special—this was just for her... and Gain. Anne then glanced at the Prince who was already looking in her direction—but then turned away. He looks different. I wonder what he is up to?
Mia walked up to Anne just as she was about to climb up on top of The King's Horse. "Please be careful Anne. Abel and I will leave tomorrow morning, so we will be just one day behind you. We will meet you in the town."
The sun had begun to rise, and Anne and Gain said their goodbyes. Clarissa, who was not part of the preparations, had come out to say goodbye to Anne and her brother as well.
As the pair left, Abel took Clarissa to the side for a few minutes, and then she walked over to the young maid who was heading into the castle. It was curious that she didn't stay and talk to Mia. Not that Mia was feeling lonely or anything—Anne had only just left, and Abel would be waiting for her—in his bedroom. But Mia just really wanted to talk to Anne at that moment, and she was gone.
   Mia felt guilty for dwelling on her own sudden melancholy. It was Anne that was leaving the safety of the castle for Mia's benefit. With that thought, Mia's sadness was displaced by worry for Anne. "Oh, Anne—I shouldn't have let you go. Please be safe." Mia walked closer to the castle gate to take one last glimpse of her friend before she disappeared on her journey, but she was already gone.


A man dressed in plain peasant clothes with a spyglass in hand watched the castle gate from bushes far down the road.
A woman on The King's Horse, and a Prince—that has to be them! She will be pleased. He smiled and then mounted the black moonhare at his side and left at full gallop.

The Tearmoon Princess in the Kingdom of Remno  (with some illustrations) Where stories live. Discover now