Chapter 12 "Interview with a Princess!"

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   It would be a bit of an understatement to say that Princess Clarissa was excited...
She's here. She's here! She's real and she's here! I can't believe she's real and she's here!
She's real, and she's here, and she's walking this way!
   Actually, it was Princess Mia and Clarissa's brother Abel that were walking in her direction. But with Mia present, Clarissa was blind to the existence of every other person in the room. Not that anyone could really blame her for standing awestruck in the presence of the young woman who had earned the respect of so many.
   Clarissa was living in a world literally designed to crush her spirit. It told her that because she was a woman she was stupid, because she was a woman she was weak, because she was a woman she was worthless. But now, standing in front of her was a woman whose very existence exposed that world to be a lie.
   "Mia, I would like for you to meet my sister princess Clarissa. Clarissa this is Princess Mia."
   She's so elegant and so young! (Did he just call her Mia?)
   "Hello princess Clarissa, I am so pleased to have finally met you! Abel has told me so much about you that I feel that I already know you. I do hope that we can become friends!"
Mia gave her dress a tug and performed an elegant curtsy.
    She hopes we can become friends! (Did she just call him Abel?)
   "Likewise, I am so happy to meet you. I hope that we can spend some time together during your visit"
   Carissa gave her dress a tug and elegantly mirrored Mia's curtsy.
   "Well, in that case, I will leave you two ladies to get aquatinted, and I will keep Miss Anne company for a little while."
   "Your brother is so sweet!"
"Ha! Ha! Yes, the sweetest man in all of Remno"....and that's not an exaggeration. Sure,  Brother is incredibly sweet, but it's not like there is any competition for the title either!
   "This party is wonderful, are all of your parties this elegant!"
   "Oh, we don't have that many parties, and never this grand." ...especially considering the only other parties I've ever been to were sister's tea parties, and I was six years old at the time!
   Clarissa knew that she lived in a bubble—well, it was more of a prison than a bubble. What she heard about the outside world existed only in bits and pieces. She heard things from her brothers, or overheard them from her father—she knew everything that she heard about Princess Mia couldn't be true. But, even if only a tiny fraction of what was said about her was, it meant things really were different somewhere—it meant there was hope. She wanted to talk to her—she needed to talk to her—but, really talk.
  Oh, this is too painful! I can't do small talk anymore! Here I am with the Great Sage of the Empire, and we are talking about parties and my brother! I may never get this chance again. I have to know!
"I am sorry Princess Mia, and I know it is extremely forward of me, but could I ask you some questions?"
   "That sounds serious. What would you like to ask questions about?"
   "Questions about you, of course!"
   Mia was afraid this was coming. Abel was a Prince—and princess Clarissa's brother. He was the most wonderful beautiful man in all of Remno—no, he was the most wonderful beautiful man on the entire continent! There was no way Clarissa was going to let Mia waltz in and take him away— not just like that! Mia was concerned. I have to get this right!
"Well, sure, I guess, but maybe we should find somewhere quieter for this conversation."
"Of course, we can exit to the parlor."
   "We should at least bring some tea and cookies with us. I hear they are good for the nerves..."
   Clarissa smiled, "Why of course!" She really is a saint! She knows I am nervous from meeting her and is trying to make me feel better!
   So,  the two princesses quietly left the party. Clarissa carrying a teapot and a pair of teacups, and Mia carrying two trays—not plates—entire serving trays—of cookies stacked on top of each other. Mia was very nervous from the inevitable grilling she was about to receive—so sweets were a necessity for keeping her at the top of her mental game. And she was going to need lots of those sweets because she was going to be grilled hard, but unbeknownst to her, not as a future sister-in-law, but as the Great Sage-Saint-Beauty of the Empire being met by the most excited Mia-phile on the continent! With the two princesses seated, and tea and cookies within arm's reach—everything was ready. Let the interview begin!
   "So, Princes Mia, I've heard so many things about you, and I just wanted to know which parts are real."
   "Oh my! I hope they aren't bad things! What have you heard?" Oh dear, I really was a handful when I was younger, I  hope she doesn't go that far back—I am not so bad now—am I?
   "Did you really laugh in my brother's face?" This was a two cookies question. Mia took a bite and quickly swallowed.
   "Why would I laugh in Abel's face?"
   "My other brother."
   "Oh heavens no! Gain may have smiled very close to my face one time, so I probably smiled back. I hope he's not upset with me!"
   "Oh, He is upset! I really need to talk to him and apologize!"
   Mia tried to escape, but as Mia began to make her way to the door, Clarissa gently but firmly grabbed Mia's shoulders—she was not going to let this opportunity go.
   "Gain can wait! When we are done here, I promise you, I will take you to Gain myself!"
Mia returned to her seat, had a sip of tea, and grabbed a couple of  more cookies.
   "Well, okay... but, I really didn't mean to hurt your brother's feelings."
   While Clarissa was pretty sure that Mia had wounded Gain's pride, which was pretty impressive—she wasn't quite sure was the same as hurting his feelings. If she actually had found some feelings to hurt—well, that would be doubly impressive!
   "Okay, next question...Did you really dodge arrows fired by crazed natives in the wilderness while brokering a peace agreement?"
   "Who told you about the arrows? That—that was supposed to be a secret! And the Lulu's were not crazed, they had every reason to be upset. They really are wonderful people—they know how to make a delicious hare stew—sooo delicious! The Selance Forrest is one of my favorite places in the Empire to visit! I will take you some time if you wish."
   "So it's true!"
   "Well, I suppose so. But it's not like I was alone. I had Sir Dion with me" I hope she doesn't think I am some reckless crazy!
  "You brought only one knight with you?"
Yep, she thinks I am crazy...
   "Well, it's not like Sir Dion is just any knight, but yes."
   "Oh my goodness! And the school! What about the school? Did you really build a school that anyone can attend?"
   "Well, a lot of people helped build the school. But, it did get built."
   "...and they are all there? Rich and poor? Nobles and commoners? Boys and girls, all races and religions?
   "Yes, yes, yes, and yes, and non-believers, too. It's a school, not a church!"
   "..and the hospital for the poor? Did you really build a grand hospital in the slums!"
Mia tried to break the (perceived) tension with an uncle joke, "Do I look like I could build a hospital? With these arms?" (she even bent her arm and pretended to make a muscle, just for effect!)
   "You know what I mean!"
Darn, the joke didn't work.
   "Okay, that was my advisor Ludwig's idea. I asked him what was the best way to keep folks in the Newmoon district from getting sick, and he said, 'build a hospital', so we built a hospital..." Does she think that I am wasting money? I am very careful about money...
   "...and the revolution here in Remno, did you really walk out onto the battlefield to stop the fighting."
   "Ha Ha! Not that anyone paid attention until Anne, Ludwig, and Dion showed up!"
   The questions kept going on and on. And, Mia was finally catching on that these were not questions from a concerned potential sister-in-law, but from a crazed Mia fan!
   Mia was a well-known princess on the continent, so these meetings were more or less inevitable. While the current situation did result in an immediate relief of her greatest concern—Princess Clarissa did not hate her. It did cause a completely different problem. Mia fans could get very tiresome, but it was not as if Mia could just cut off Abel's sister. She figured the best she could do was to calmly dispel the exaggerated claims of her adventures. But for some reason, Clarissa was getting more and more excited after each of her answers.
   " you really disarmed him by kicking him there?"
   "Yes, yes, but, I told you, it was an accident! None of these things are that big of a deal—well, I guess some of them are big deals, but I've had lots of help from a lot of wonderful people, like Anne, and your brother."
   "Okay, this one is a little silly... Did you really punch a giant shark!"
   "Yes! That one is one-hundred-percent completely true! No exaggeration whatsoever!" Mia had given up.
   "A shark?"
   "Yes, a giant shark."
   "As big as a ship?"
   "As big as two ships." She held up two fingers for clarity's sake. "Anything else?"
   "Last question."
   "Thank goodness!   ...err, I mean ask me anything!"
   "Are you seeing Prince Sion?"
   "I am sorry, was that supposed to be a secret?"
    "You do realize that I am here with your brother?"
   "Yes, I know you are here  with my brother, but it's not like you two are together or anything."
   "What exactly does Abel say about me?"
   "Oh, that you are beautiful and brilliant, and wise."
    "...and how many other women does he say those things about?"
   "Good! You had me a little worried there..."
   "Yes, but you are Princess Mia!"
   Mia smiled, "Yes, and he is Prince Abel!"
   "My brother?"
   "Yes, your brother."
   "You are in love?
   "Madly and deeply!"
   Madly and deeply!
   Clarissa was quiet for a long time after that. So long that Mia was beginning to worry again.
"Princess Clarissa?"
   Clarissa smiled, and with tears in her eyes gave Mia a sisterly hug, and Mia responded with tears and a smile of her own, and hugged Clarissa right back!
   After a few moments, Princess Mia laughed. "Well, we better clean ourselves up and head back to the party."
   "Yes, I am sure His Majesty and Mother will want to speak with you as well."
   "Wow, 'His Majesty' that's a healthy distance between a father and a daughter! My father is always bothering me to call him 'dad' or 'papa'."
   "You call the Emperor 'papa'?"
   "Well, I try not to—mostly I just call him 'father,' so does the King beg you to call him 'papa'?
   "Ha Ha! The King does not beg! And if I ever tried calling him papa he would beat—he would be upset."
  Did she say beat? No. No father would ever... "Oh, I forget all kingdoms are not as informal as Tearmoon. Though, I think I do recall Abel referring to the King as Father..."
  "Well, Abel is a boy."
   "Yes he is, but..."
   "Could we please talk about something else?"
Clarissa didn't want to be reminded that none of her life for the last week was real—She didn't want to remember that she was only just pretending to be a princess like Mia. Everything —working with the council, the appointments, even this party—it was all part of a game of pretend, and it wasn't even her game. She was just a tiny little token in a game the King was playing—and soon it would be over—the  King would still be the King, and she would still be a girl living in Remno.
   "I hope that we can spend more time together, well you, Anne, and I. Maybe look around the city together. How are your pastry shops?"
   "Well, if His Majesty approves, I would love to. But, that reminds me..."
   "More questions?" Mia smiled.
   Clarissa laughed, "Well maybe a couple more. When I was talking to Prince Abel, he seemed to think that Lady Anne was not a noble, and Duchess Tiona was not a Duchess."
   "Well, that is because they aren't"
   "But how can that be? Anne rescued you in battle, and Tiona spoke before the King! Women of no rank, how could they do those things?" Really, it was beyond Clarissa's imagination that women, other than Princess Mia, would be able to do these things, so in her mind, she elevated the rank of both ladies, just so she could wrap her mind around the idea— just a little bit.
   "Well, while Tiona's father is a wonderful person, he is a noble of little rank," Mia just smiled just thinking about how Tiona would react to being called 'Duchess Tiona,' " and, Anne's parents are commoners—but, really when I visit her home, I am with family. You are right, though. They both are great women and have accomplished wonderful things, and I honestly owe the both of them my life. Plus, they are dear friends."
  "So, Anne is..."
  "Well, I guess a maid by profession, but she is really my dearest friend, my right arm, and my confidant!"
   "She's a maid? But why isn't she dressed..."
   " a maid uniform? Because it's stupid!"
   "Well, there is nothing wrong with being a maid, and sometimes she needs to wear something more practical for work, but for most of what she does wearing that sort of thing is stupid, and we don't have time for stupid things. Besides, she's beautiful—she should be wearing something as beautiful as she is! Did you see her today? She was so elegant!"
   "Yes, she looked like a princess."
   "She did!"
   And just like that, Claudia was back in the clouds. No, not the clouds, because she knew this was real—if women of no rank could change the mind of the King, and change fortunes on the battlefield, then maybe Clarissa could do more than pretend.
   "Okay...Princesses said you would introduce me to your brother Prince Gain?"
   "Prince Gain?"
   "Well, maybe not 'introduce', since we've already met, but 'reintroduce'? It seems that I have offended the Prince, and I need to apologize."
   "Well...I. Prince Gain can be kind of... prickly. While I am sure that Her Highness is sincere in your feelings, my brother might see things in the wrong way..."
"Oh don't worry about me, I am an expert at apologizing!  I may be the greatest apologizer on the Continent. Some of my dearest friends are people who once despised me." And that was no exaggeration—probably an understatement if anything—considering some of her dearest friends had literally chopped off her head in a previous lifetime!
   "Well, I guess... you are The Great Sage of the Empire..."
   "Thank you, so much Princess Clarissa!"
   "Miss Anne? Could I speak to you for a moment?"
   "Of course Prince Abel!"
   "I need your help with Mia. Please help me to protect her."
   "Of course, I will protect her! I will gladly lay down my own life to protect the Princess. "
   "Please don't endanger yourself! If anything were to happen to you, it would crush her! Just keep an eye on her. Watch her surroundings. "
   "I don't understand, what is it that I am keeping an eye out for."
   "I am really not sure either. Just know that nothing you see here is real—this is some sort of elaborate game of my Father's. This Kingdom is a reflection of him—designed to warp men and crush women. He is trying to take advantage of Mia's desire to see the best in people— to make her believe Remno is something it is not—he wants her to believe he's something that he is not. The King is a cruel man, and Gain is his protege."
   "So, Prince Abel?"
   "Where is Mia now?"

The Tearmoon Princess in the Kingdom of Remno  (with some illustrations) Where stories live. Discover now