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Shit, shit, shit

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Shit, shit, shit.


This is the worst day ever.

I can't believe this is happening. It's like my whole life turned upside down, and everything that's been good is being ruined today. I fucking hate this.

I finally felt at peace after all the shit I've been through, and now everything is a mess again.

It started with my morning, when I overslept, for fucks sake.

I never oversleep, ever.

But of course, on the day when it's maybe the most important for me to get into school on time, it fucking happens. Because of this little incident, I missed half of my first exam, so I most likely won't pass, meaning I'll probably have to repeat my whole year.

Anyways, I got into work with tears in my eyes, put my ugly apron on, and in the first five minutes of my shift, I spilled half of a cup of coffee on myself, the other half on the customer I was serving. He got angry as fuck, and started yelling at me, demanding to speak to my boss.

When Frank found out what happened, he deducted 10% from my salary. He also didn't let me go home to change, I had to finish my shift in soaked clothes, and a slightly burnt chest, because the coffee was so hot, I could've screamed in pain.

And to top all of that, I was wearing a white shirt underneath the apron, so basically my chest -meaning my boobs- became visible for everyone for the rest of the day.

At least people magically started remembering to tip me, so maybe I should consider making this a new look.

When my shift was finally over, I decided to walk home, instead of taking the bus, so I can clear my head a bit.

Worst decision ever.

So here I am, after about ten minutes of walking, and out of nowhere it starts raining. It's not a quick come and go type of thing though, it's a big ass thunderstorm. People are running into the safety of their houses, trying to escape the raging tempest.

It would be senseless of me to run though, I live at least another twenty minutes from here. I've had enough of everything for today anyways, so why even bother...

As I'm fighting against the extreme weather conditions on my way home, I realise how exhausted I am of all this stupid shit. I don't mean physically, what I'm talking about is more mental.

Ever since he walked out of my life,  it's basically broken.

I am broken.

I lost him, he left me, and yet, it's still like he hasn't been gone entirely. He's not a part of my life in a very long time now, but he still is a huge part of me.

It's hard to explain, but the thing is that I never really got any closure. One day he was my best friend and the next he wasn't anymore. We never had any big fights, he never explained, in fact he didn't even say goodbye.

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