Losing someone is never easy. Especially if it's your best friend.
Being in love with that someone though, makes it even more complicated.
Harry and Elizabeth grew up together. They were best friends, each other's happy place. But 7 years is a lon...
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We had been staring at each other for a good ten minutes, both of us lying on our sides in bed, not having the energy to get up just yet.
After our eventful night, we were absolutely wrecked. My body felt like it weighed a tonne and I seriously doubted that today I'd be physically capable of doing anything that required more effort than standing up to use the toilet.
Elizabeth seemed like she was in a similar state, dramatically groaning next to me whenever she moved around so her limbs wouldn't go numb. I didn't blame her, it was pretty understandable after the way I fucked her last night. With my tongue, with my fingers and with my cock, until she was absolutely spent, screaming for me to stop.
And then I crashed on top of her and fell asleep.
I think it's safe to say that it was the perfect ending of our day.
"I want to get drunk tonight." Elizabeth suddenly spoke up, breaking the silence between us with her simple announcement.
"You do?" I chuckled, playing with her fingers mindlessly. "Any specific reason?"
She shook her head.
"No, it's just been a while." She shrugged and I gave her a small nod.
She was right, it had been a while. When I'm on tour I don't really drink, so ever since we'd been on the road, we both pretty much stayed away from alcohol. We went out with the others a few times here and there, but to be honest, we actually preferred staying in for most nights. Elizabeth was still getting used to all this attention and so sometimes it got a bit too much, but I didn't mind being on our own and staying behind closed doors at all.
"Okay, we'll get drunk then." I agreed with a grin, leaning forward to give her a sweet kiss. "I think Rose still has a few bottles of wine. The best you'll ever taste. It's top tier, I swear."
"Sounds pretty good." Elizabeth hummed. "When is she getting here?"
Rose had called me yesterday that she'd stop by this morning to check on us and bring some food, even though I had told her that it wasn't necessary. She insisted and simply couldn't be convinced so after a few attempts I just gave up.
"I have no idea what time it is, but I think she'll probably be here soon."
"We should put some clothes on then..." She yawned sleepily, stretching her legs out under the blanket and bumping into my own in the process.
"Or we could stay in bed all day, naked." I suggested, snaking one arm around Elizabeth's waist so I could pull her closer.
"Yeah, I'm sure Rose would appreciate that." Elizabeth said, her tone sarcastic and a small smile playing on her lips in humour.
"Believe me, she'd have no problem with it."
It wasn't a lie. I really didn't think she'd care all that much, that woman was probably the most easy going person I had ever known. If she found us lying in bed naked, she'd just laugh it off and make some joke about it, I had no doubt.