Losing someone is never easy. Especially if it's your best friend.
Being in love with that someone though, makes it even more complicated.
Harry and Elizabeth grew up together. They were best friends, each other's happy place. But 7 years is a lon...
okay so before we get into this i'd like to address the fact that i am in no way insinuating that harry is actually being treated the way that he is in this chapter or that he's forced into anything irl. this story and these characters are creations of my mind, it's simply fiction, nothing more than that.
with that being said.... let's go!!!
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I watched the busy streets of New York as the sun went down, everything wrapped in a golden hue. My eyes skimmed over the many faceless people that we passed but never settled on anyone in particular, I was lost deep in thought.
My head felt heavy as I tried to relax in my seat, not wanting to draw any attention to my anxious self. I felt Cash's eyes on me, she was watching closely, I knew the deep crease between her eyebrows were apparent even without having to turn my head to look at her.
We had been in the car for the past twenty minutes, on our way to Harry's show. Night 5 at Madison Square Garden. Six more to go, including this one.
Bile rose in my throat as I remembered back to the day exactly a week ago, when Harry and I sat down with Jeffrey over a cup of coffee. It was the day after Harry's opening night and we wanted to talk to Jeff about the possibility of postponing some of the upcoming shows, that's why we asked him to have a little meeting.
We both explained the situation as best as we could, talked about how exhausted Harry had been, how he struggled more and more to pull through each of these shows. I even mentioned his recent breakdown, with his permission of course. I didn't give any details, I just wanted to let Jeff know how serious this actually was. Harry hid it well, but he needed the break. He needed a few days or possibly a few weeks even... Just to slow down a bit and get back on his feet again.
Jeffrey however, didn't see it like that. He claimed that Harry was fine, that he asked multiple times and was told over and over again that this was okay. That he could do it, that he'd finish the tour and then get his break after. This was the point of our conversation when I started getting a bit antsy. I tried to explain that it didn't matter what Harry had said before, we are saying it now that it had to stop. Besides, it was clear as day to anyone who really knew him that he wasn't well.
The answer to that? I was overreacting. Apparently, I was way too worried about Harry and I acted like he was a baby and not a grown ass man. Jeff told me that I shouldn't be this protective of him and that Harry could decide these things for himself, without me putting words into his mouth.
I could feel the rage rippling through me as I listened to him, his eyes shooting daggers at me while Harry sat in absolute silence between us. He only interfered once Jeff raised his voice at me, I could barely register what was happening as he suddenly jumped to his feet and grabbed onto Jeffrey's collar, pulling him close to his own face.
"Don't fucking talk to her like that." He hissed through gritted teeth and glared at him for a long moment in warning, before letting go of him and taking a seat again.