Losing someone is never easy. Especially if it's your best friend.
Being in love with that someone though, makes it even more complicated.
Harry and Elizabeth grew up together. They were best friends, each other's happy place. But 7 years is a lon...
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"Thank you, Miss Carter." Mr. Jones - my digital photography professor - smiled up at me as I handed him my paper, my fingers shaking ever so slightly in both nervousness and excitement. "Have a nice summer! I'll see you in September!"
"You too, and I can't wait!" I replied politely before turning on my heels and heading towards the door.
As soon as I stepped out of the classroom, I felt a huge relief washing over me.
I was done.
I finished the year and I just handed in my last exam, full on ready for the summer break. I couldn't be more thrilled, the anticipation making my whole body buzz as I hurried out of the building, knowing that Cash was right outside, waiting for me.
"We're fucking done!" I shrieked as soon as I stepped out the door, jumping on Cash from behind who let out a small yelp in shock.
"Jesus christ, you scared the shit out of me!" She scolded, but wrapped her arms around me nonetheless, a bright grin covering her face.
We both chuckled as we started walking down campus and out to the streets of New York, heading towards the subway. I had invited Cash over to my place for a little celebration which wouldn't be anything big really, we would most likely just drink wine and talk out of our asses while she helped me pack a suitcase.
Today wasn't special only because of the fact that we finished this semester, but because Harry was going to pick me up and have me officially join for the rest of this leg of the tour.
He had a show last night in Saint Paul and his plane had taken off about half an hour ago, meaning he'd be here in no more than three hours. We'd spend the night at mine and then we had a flight to Chicago the next day, Harry was playing there two nights in a row.
I couldn't fucking wait to see him, it had been almost three weeks since he drove me to LAX and we said goodbye. I felt like I was going through withdrawal due to not being able to touch him or have his lips on mine... I was going crazy.
He took up most of the space in my head just as usual, no matter how much I tried to focus on anything else. I missed him terribly and I just wanted his closeness again.
Ever since we managed to take that certain big step, it was like the last barrier between us just crumbled down and fell to the ground. We just gave each other the most vulnerable version of ourselves and there was nothing left that could stand between us. We felt like we were invincible and I think it showed.
We were both glowing from happiness, even if we were thousands of miles apart from each other. Everything just clicked into place and made sense and I seriously don't think my life could get higher than this. Nothing mattered, but the fact that he made me the happiest I had ever been.
I couldn't even bring myself to care much whenever my father showed up at my apartment in the middle of the night, drunk out of his ass and crying that he was too weak and he needed me to save him. In the last few weeks I had managed to get him sober, but always for only a few days in a row. He fell back into it every single time and then came to me with tears in his eyes, begging for my forgiveness.